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View Full Version : Terrified I have MS!! Don't know what to do

Alisha Fearer
21-12-17, 11:00
Hi, me again ..

I know I can't get a medical diagnosis here and I'm not seeking "doctor advice" (I'm booking an appointment if these symptoms don't go away!) I just feel so frightened and I'm getting myself in a state over these symptoms I've suddenly developed. Basically, I have been worried about my left arm for a couple of days because it feels really strange, it is hard to describe so forgive me but the best way I can describe it is that it feels "limp" or like it is unusually loose, like it doesn't feel the same as my right arm does. I experienced shakiness in it a few days ago, like when I put my hand to my face for example, my arm was trembling, but I put that down to the fact I was cleaning my bathroom and I probably strained the muscle since I was being quite vigorous. However, the odd sensation in the arm has suddenly come on and hasn't really got better.

Well last night, I got into such a panic over my arm because it felt particularly weird and almost like I couldn't grip stuff properly in my hand even though there is no obvious weakness, it's just a really odd feeling. I struggled to eat my dinner last night because I was so anxious I lost my appetite and further perpetuated this odd arm feeling since I was using my hand to pick up nuggets. So, after dinner, I didn't know what to do with myself and so went upstairs, where I began feeling pins and needles all over my body, and what felt like hot pins pricking my legs on and off which was making me flinch. Even my head had burning/tingling sensations all around it!! I also kept having those weird involuntary body movements, like my hands, arms and even my head and other places were just randomly jerking intermittently.

Then came the worst symptom - twitching muscles in many parts of my body happening mostly in my legs for some odd reason, particularly the right one. It is just that horrible twitching that we all get occassionately but happening every minute, even every good few seconds. I could feel my toes twitching, my knees all twitching and my calves doing it as well. I of course went to Dr. Google as usual on a health anxiety mission to reassure myself and was just met with "MS, ALS" being told I have these horrible diseases which, as you can imagine, made me feel so awful. Tingling, muscle twitching and pins and needles are symptoms of MS and ALS, so now I'm convinced I have one of the diseases! I couldn't sleep hardly at all last night because even when I thought my anxiety had calmed down after taking a propranolol (anxiety tablet) I was still feeling tingling, pins and needles with my muscles twitching constantly.

I was praying it was just my anxiety which was causing these sudden horrible symptoms but my tablet did nothing, I didn't sleep hardly and now I have woken up today with the same muscle twitching, mostly in my right leg although I can feel the odd twitch/spasm in various parts of my body, the parethesia, the jerky movements in my limbs, I'm basically the same. I am sorry for this long post, I don't want to bore anyone, I just feel so scared! I don't understand what the heck is going on with my body right now! I have never had this before, well, I've had parethesia and jerky movements before but not like this and not with these muscle twitches/spasms. And I have to note, I'm also getting random dull pains..

So yup, I'm terrified I have a debilitating neurological disease and I'm wondering if anyone else has had these symptoms? Does it sound like MS or anything? I know I need to see a doctor but since it is Christmas in a few days, I'll probably have to wait a while for an appointment so I have days of worry.

Thank you so much for reading! :weep:

21-12-17, 11:23
Honestly, to me it sounds like the strange sensation in your arm has triggered your anxiety and that is why you’re experiencing all these other symptoms so suddenly.

The symptoms of MS and anxiety can ovellap easily which is why a lot of people who suffer from anxiety are convinced they have MS. I know when I get anxious I can begin to get muscle twitches and things like that.

I would take note of your symptoms and try to relax. If you begin to stop thinking about your symptoms sometimes they go away but if you’re focusing on every sensation of your body, you’re going to feel some strange things. Often if I pinpoint a location of my body and really concentrate on it I begin feeling pain or burning sensations that weren’t there before.

Try and enjoy your Christmas and relax, another few days of waiting to see your doctor won’t hurt. And when you see him you will have your questions answered.
All the best!

21-12-17, 13:13
Take a read of this thread... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=42556)

Positive thoughts