View Full Version : New girl

03-12-04, 00:43

I found this website earlier, and I thought I'd sign up. My name's Miriam, I'm 20, from Leicester, and I've suffered from panic attacks, general anxiety and agoraphobia since I was 16. I've always been quite an anxious person but nothing like I am now.. It all started very suddenly when I went on the Depo-Provera injection, I had severe (at least a couple a day) panic attacks and terrible mood swings. As soon as the injections wore off, the panic attacks became far less frequent and the severe mood swings completely disappeared.

Anyway, I've been left with the general anxiety, agoraphobia and sporadic panic attacks! I was going out a lot more and even in the process of finding a flat to rent with my brother but about 6 months ago I had a series of scary things happen. I was tested for breast cancer and then some sort of non-cancerous pituitary tumor but thankfully it turned out just to be a harmless hormonal hiccup. All the stress and general worrying has knocked me back a lot, I can barely cope with a common cold let alone all that!

I'm struggling to get back on track again... I'm worrying constantly about tiny things and finding it very hard to leave the house or see friends. There always seems so many reasons not to, even though I know that once I actually get out there I'm usually fine other than a bit of anxiety. It's just making myself do it that's the hard bit...

Anyway, hello to you all.


03-12-04, 00:52
Hi Miriam

Welcome to the site hon. So pleased you have posted as you will get lots of help and support on here.

I can see you havent had it easy and had lots of worries to take on board along with trying to keep your head above water.

Why did you firstly go on the depo injection, was it because you were feeling down? I have seen alot of people who havent reacted well to it but then i have seen some who through the two weeks it was supposed to last have come out of it really well.

I have seen people who it helped but as it was wearing of they felt worse than before they took it but we all react differently to medication.

Part of anxiety is to worry about the smallest things, not that we want to be to others it may seem trivial but to us it can be a mountain we cant face again. It will ease of and on here you will see, like i did that how you feel is completely normal and to me that was a life saver, as many times you feel so alone.

Read the post that will help you and keep posting about how you feel and i am sure you will realise we are all here to help you.

Love Sal xxxxx

03-12-04, 00:58
hello miriam ,welcome to the site hope you find it helpful

take care


03-12-04, 00:58
Thanks for replying! The Depo-Provera was reccommended to me by a friend and I decided to start it partly as an easy alternative to the pill because I'd just met my first boyfriend, and partly to sort out painful periods. It sorted them about a bit too much though, to the point where I didn't have any at all.. It just made my hormones go absolutely mental, had I known more about it I never would have had it in the first place. I carried on for 6 months though!

03-12-04, 01:32
Hi Miriam

A case of suits some and not others. My closest friend thought it was a blessin in disguise but on coming of it she felt really bad, really irregular periods etc and a lot of pain.

Suppose just like the pill it suit some and not others.

Love Sal xxxxx

03-12-04, 02:23
Hi Miriam

Welcome to the site. You'll find a lot of help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

03-12-04, 09:38
Hi Miriam

Welcome to the site:D

Sorry to hear how bad you are feeling:(

We can all find reasons why not to go out,
I know its hard to face the fear but you must.
You are allready moving farward with those
positive thoughts ( I know when I get out there
I'm fine)
Please don't look at the reasons why should not
go out, look for the reason why you should.

Remember Mim, you WILL get back on track,
it just takes time.
There are lots of nice people here who will help
and suuport you.



"Every thought you think changes your biochemistry.
Your hormones are effected by your thoughts.
Pay attention to stuff that bring you joy.
Look for things that bring you a smile!"

03-12-04, 10:08
Hi Miriam ..

Have you had any professional help with this ?

A bit of CBT might be all you need for that final push forward.

You know you can do everything and it will be - its just doing it enough times to make your innards realize it.

Depo provera can have that sort of effect on some - I would have hope your doctor would have recognised it and taken you off earlier .

Anyway glad you're better now ....keep at it


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

03-12-04, 10:49
Hi Miriam welcome to the site and do hope u get the help you want here as i am sure u will take care Vernon

03-12-04, 12:52
Thanks for all the replies! I am seeing a psychologist about it and he's helped me a lot, I see him once a month now. Thing is, I've been seeing the same one for so long now (about 2 years) I feel it's gone a bit stale.. Like I need some new input. I'm considering asking to see some sort of psychiatric nurse, who I can see more often and will concerntrate on helping me with the CBT. I did see one when I was 17, but the panic attacks were just too bad then... I think I'm at the right stage now.

03-12-04, 14:01
hi there im in leicester too :)

i had hot flushes on depo when i was on it and felt panicky glad to get off of it


welcome to the site

Peace love and unity xx

03-12-04, 23:26
Hi and welcome to the forum and site.

I was going to take the Depo-Provera injection but daren't in the end cos I was worried about the side-effects etc.

Hope we can be of help to you and look forward to getting to know you.


30-03-05, 17:08
hi miriam,

sorry your not to good at min, we all seem to have these set backs and if you look at it like that you'll get through it this is a great site you will get loads of help and support here, :D

try each day to do something positive, no matter how small, it will give you something to be pleased of at the end of each day,

good luck and take care, try not to worry about to far ahead just take a day at a time xx

kairen x