View Full Version : diazepam for heart palpitations

22-12-17, 11:15
So I’ve had anxiety for 2 years now. Never been on meds before until recently when I had a massive panic attack and gp gave me diazepam 5mg to use when needed. Last night I woke up with my heart racing and feeling really on edge. I took half a tablet and it seemed to work for a bit but then the racing heart returned. I thought diazepam was meant to slow your heart down? Maybe I took too small a dose? Now wondering whether I can take a propranolol at some point today but not sure the two work ok together. Any advice?

22-12-17, 14:15
I would urge you to let the heart rate come down without medication (unless there is a specific medical reason for your heart rate being high).

It always comes down again, and it's not going to hurt you.

22-12-17, 15:08
Aj is right it's not a heart med I know cause I am on 4 different meds for my heart problems daily and for the rest of my life so go back to your Gp (and have tests done if you haven't already) don't increase the dose your Gp again will advise you on this, but it's deffo not a heart med for sure and really you should be getting help to treat your HA as it's nothing more than this:) ATB

22-12-17, 16:00
Thank you both you were right my heart rate did eventually come down and has been fine since mid morning...it’s clearly driven by anxiety as I’ve had tests done and all came back normal. It’s just so awful when it happens you lose your common sense and I’d never had this in the middle of the night before so freaked out

22-12-17, 16:53
It's pretty common for it to happen at night, in fact I only get it at night now I've got to grips with how to deal with anxiety.

Really, the best thing to do is to let it just be. That'll help you beat it faster than anything else you can do. It's the fundamental basis of CBT. Like saying 'so what, I'm having some anxiety, no big deal'.

Easier said than done though sometimes. :shades:

22-12-17, 18:15
Thanks ankietyjoe for the tips again this is so helpful! I’m doing CBT and mindfulness meditation which is great but when you get a full blown anxiety/panic attack it is very tricky to just observe it and not get involved although I totally agree that’s the best approach

22-12-17, 18:44
I will add to this by saying Anxiety can be treated with either meds and or therapy so do look in to this and you will see the difference it will make in your life :) ATB

22-12-17, 20:11
Thanks ankietyjoe for the tips again this is so helpful! I’m doing CBT and mindfulness meditation which is great but when you get a full blown anxiety/panic attack it is very tricky to just observe it and not get involved although I totally agree that’s the best approach

It is hard, but very doable.

I've never taken meds (apart from beta blockers for a month or so ten years ago) and have my anxiety pretty much under control 99% of the time.

It gets easier with practice, and once the brain learns that it'll pass, it passes much more quickly.