View Full Version : Leg Weakness and Fatigue!

23-12-17, 10:45
So I am a normally healthy teenage girl. For the past 3 months though, I have been experiencing leg weakness/fatigue, however only with physical activity. I went to the doctor for this, they suggested that I need better sleep and eat more protein.
They also did a blood test and checked my cbc, iron and b12. These all came back normal.

Starting last week on Thursday morning (its now a Saturday), I have not been feeling the greatest. I had a full nights sleep that Wednesday night but woke up exhausted. Ever since then, I have been feeling very fatigued on and off, however I found I can barely do any physical activity without feeling wiped out. I do not have any heart problems, I know this because I have been to the doctor about heart worries before and have been told I have a healthy heart.

I really do not know why I'm feeling so weak and tired, but it's worrying me alot!!!! :weep:

Any replies would be great!

23-12-17, 19:52
Very common with anxiety-constant adrenaline fatigues muscles as if you had exercised for a long time. Resting physically will help up to a point but if you are stressed/anxious/worried your body will still feel under threat, continue to produce adrenaline and so the fatigue will remain.
Try looking up adrenal fatigue-not saying this is what you have but many people with anxiety have this on a spectrum if you like, so it could be very mild but you may recognise the symptoms. If I am stressed or anxious a lot then exercise on top of that I will usually get symptoms of fatigue, achy burning limbs etc.
Look at every aspect of your life-diet, rest, work/life balance, stress and anxiety and make the necessary changes. If you have been thoroughly checked by your doctor then accepting this as normal for someone with anxiety will go a long way to helping this symptom.
Good luck!

26-12-17, 10:07
Very common with anxiety-constant adrenaline fatigues muscles as if you had exercised for a long time. Resting physically will help up to a point but if you are stressed/anxious/worried your body will still feel under threat, continue to produce adrenaline and so the fatigue will remain.
Try looking up adrenal fatigue-not saying this is what you have but many people with anxiety have this on a spectrum if you like, so it could be very mild but you may recognise the symptoms. If I am stressed or anxious a lot then exercise on top of that I will usually get symptoms of fatigue, achy burning limbs etc.
Look at every aspect of your life-diet, rest, work/life balance, stress and anxiety and make the necessary changes. If you have been thoroughly checked by your doctor then accepting this as normal for someone with anxiety will go a long way to helping this symptom.
Good luck!

I decided to google adrenal fatigue and the symptoms almost match mine completely, and I believe the cause of my fatigue is stress and anxiety, from personal reasons.
Thank you for replying, I am now going to focus on ways to cope with my anxiety and hopeful get rid of the fatigue :)

06-02-18, 17:19
Sorry - only just saw this, glad it helped, hope you’re feeling better! X