View Full Version : Got diagnosed with hemorrhoids, but still fear cancer

23-12-17, 14:55
I have had health anxiety since like 15 when my mother had an aneurysm, but I never really second guessed a doctor's opinion until now. She did a digital examination and confirmed that it was hemorrhoids, but after the appointment I began to pass a lot of bass and burp a lot. I looked up if passing gas with hemorrhoids was common, and it seemed to be more common with cancer. I also worry that she is assuming I don't have cancer because I'm young. I'm worried that she felt a tumor as opposed to a hemorrhoid. I guess I will wait to see if my symptoms stop after winter break.

I know I should be calm and wait, but my brain keeps trying to connect the dots with my symptoms. Do any of you know how to become more rational about these types of fears?

23-12-17, 17:10
A lot of people fear cancer..... I mean lets face it no one wants to get it BUT you need to listen to your dr..... they know best, they are the guys with many years medical training

But with HA your appointment will go something likes this.....

DR feels your back passage.....

"OK Purplegalaxy I can definitely feel hemorrhoids down there.... I can say that with 100% accuracy that you have hemorrhoids and 99.99999999999% sure that is why you are having these symptoms"

You - "Ok Dr thank you, that has totally put my mind at rest"

Half hour passes.....

You - "but what about that 0.0000000001% chance the dr is wrong????? it could be cancer, I better have a look when I get home to check I don't have Cancer!!!! OMG!! it might be cancer!!!!!"

You get home -

You - "right I better Google my symptoms, just incase the Dr with many years of training and experience may be wrong, there is always that 0.000000001% chance it isn't hemorrhoids!!

"OMG..... I have typed my symptoms into Dr Google and the first entry is that I MUST have cancer, the Dr is wrong!!"

In reality people with Health anxiety will always thing the worst unless they use logic and not DR Google. Those results come up first as some HA people type in things such as "Burping, Cancer" "I am burping can this be a sign of cancer" So the results at the top of the searches are almost certainly the worst possible scenarios"

I am saying this as an outsider looking in as I don't have HA so can see things logically..... you need to listen to your dr, and you need to do that by not going home and googling your symptoms..... Dr Google is a crock... he will tell you the worst possible senario where as your dr will tell you the logical correct one!

How Dr Google works.....


23-12-17, 17:28
^ excellent post by Venus there! Nothing I can add to that.

About the gas issue, roids can be accompanied by poor diet or IBS so it can easily just be roids being created by such an issue. Anxiety upsets the bowels greatly, for instance.

It's no coincidence so many people have roids plus troubles in that area, whether it be anxiety or IBS or anything else that causes them to be off.

23-12-17, 17:54
^ excellent post by Venus there! Nothing I can add to that.

I aim to please lol

23-12-17, 18:19
A lot of people fear cancer..... I mean lets face it no one wants to get it BUT you need to listen to your dr..... they know best, they are the guys with many years medical training

But with HA your appointment will go something likes this.....

DR feels your back passage.....

"OK Purplegalaxy I can definitely feel hemorrhoids down there.... I can say that with 100% accuracy that you have hemorrhoids and 99.99999999999% sure that is why you are having these symptoms"

You - "Ok Dr thank you, that has totally put my mind at rest"

Half hour passes.....

You - "but what about that 0.0000000001% chance the dr is wrong????? it could be cancer, I better have a look when I get home to check I don't have Cancer!!!! OMG!! it might be cancer!!!!!"

You get home -

You - "right I better Google my symptoms, just incase the Dr with many years of training and experience may be wrong, there is always that 0.000000001% chance it isn't hemorrhoids!!

"OMG..... I have typed my symptoms into Dr Google and the first entry is that I MUST have cancer, the Dr is wrong!!"

In reality people with Health anxiety will always thing the worst unless they use logic and not DR Google. Those results come up first as some HA people type in things such as "Burping, Cancer" "I am burping can this be a sign of cancer" So the results at the top of the searches are almost certainly the worst possible scenarios"

I am saying this as an outsider looking in as I don't have HA so can see things logically..... you need to listen to your dr, and you need to do that by not going home and googling your symptoms..... Dr Google is a crock... he will tell you the worst possible senario where as your dr will tell you the logical correct one!

I definitely do assume the worst. I guess I will wait and see if this goes away before I get worried.

^ excellent post by Venus there! Nothing I can add to that.

About the gas issue, roids can be accompanied by poor diet or IBS so it can easily just be roids being created by such an issue. Anxiety upsets the bowels greatly, for instance.

It's no coincidence so many people have roids plus troubles in that area, whether it be anxiety or IBS or anything else that causes them to be off.

I have been getting more sensitive over the past couple months since I started college. I am currently trying to cut things out of my diet that my digestive system does not agree with. Oh if anxiety upsets the bowls and I am worried about the bowels then that sounds like it will create a cycle of anxiety and worsening symptoms.

23-12-17, 20:04
I have literally just been in your shoes (moved on to another cancer fear now) but never mind. Anyway my GP said I had hemorrhoids but after months of symptoms that sound like yours I got referred for a flexi sigmoidoscopy, and guess what; it was hemorrhoids. Weirdly all my symptoms stopped in the run up to the investigation. The mind is a powerful thing