View Full Version : anxiety/holidays/nothing to do

23-12-17, 17:25

Feeling my anxiety spike right now so thought I would post and see if it chimes with anyone. I am off my meds now and was doing ok was exercise, CBT, meditation etc. Still having issues now and then, but are manageable.

However, right now I have arrived in North Wales to stay with my parents for a week, with my 6 year old son. My wife has to work and so is staying at home (plus, to be honest, she is not a huge fan of the mountain life!).

My anxiety is through the roof. It feels mainly like I cant stop obsessing over how I am going to fill the days/get through the days. It is raining and there is nothing to do. You would think I would love having time off from work with nothing to do and being able just to spend quality time with my kid, but apparently not...My parents are fine, and we get on ok, but not exactly thrilling.

The idea of 7 days up here in the house with nothing to do is making me feel really rubbish and I cant seem to calm down.

Any ideas for help? Anyone have similar issues?


23-12-17, 18:10
It might just be the change of routine. I've found that even small changes to my normal routine can increase feelings of anxiety.

Perhaps try and focus on enjoying the local countryside (a proven source of mental calm) and focusing more on meditation would help.

23-12-17, 18:18
I'm in the states atm and im suffering as well. Mainly for me it's the sleep setting me off, Jet lag hits me for six but I can feel your pain, it's as though no matter how hard you try or manage it it seems impossible.
TV helps me a lot with mild anxiety but nothing helps with full blown attacks.

I definitely think it's the being out of the comfort zone that causes it especially in my case. I've had a torrid year with a life changing hospital appointment and a new job to start when I get home from holiday..... oh the joy

Keep me updated on how you are as it would be nice to speak to someone who is struggling at the same time. All the best and I hope you feel better soon.

23-12-17, 20:00
Thanks to both of you - and agree how helpful it is to have people to talk to who are struggling at the same time.

I just spoke with my older brother (who is actually an ordained buddhist monk and who has had anxiety issues for much of his life). He is a wise old bird. Reminded me to accept what is, how I am feeling, all these sensations as just being what is the now. It is not permanent. It does not mean anything really. It is just my body being my body. Plus, of course, "first world problems" etc - I am here in a nice house with my wonderful son with free time away from work to enjoy with him. I am very lucky. And so what it my body feels all jittery and all the rest? It is just sensation. I have felt it, and much worse, before. It is only a week and then I will be back home, and then back at work and probably be looking back at this time wishing I was still there!
Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance.
It is what it is.
And, yeah - finding time to exercise (even if just doing push-ups and star jumps in my room in the morning) and getting outside in the countryside, and meditating.
And giving my son lots of hugs, of course.

24-12-17, 14:14
Still struggling today. It is raining outside and the day feels very long. Took ages to fall asleep last night, and then my son came into my room at 5am saying he could not sleep. Tiredness is such terrible fuel for anxiety. It is only 2pm and the evening seems very far away.
And then tomorrow is christmas day and, again, have to get through 24hrs of nothing.

24-12-17, 15:01
I know what you mean about dreary damp days feeling very long but there must be parts of the day you can actively engage with your child, playing games, doing indoor activities. Small contests like who can do the most ??? in a minute. Be inventive. Or even get dressed up for the weather and go out to jump in puddles!

In addition you could write/ record a blog /vlog of your and his doings with little commentaries. Even mundane stuff like laying the dinner table can be made more engaging with a video and a commentary and it's something you could both contribute to to share with his Mum when you go home.

25-12-17, 00:09
Still struggling today. It is raining outside and the day feels very long. Took ages to fall asleep last night, and then my son came into my room at 5am saying he could not sleep. Tiredness is such terrible fuel for anxiety. It is only 2pm and the evening seems very far away.
And then tomorrow is christmas day and, again, have to get through 24hrs of nothing.

I feel a bit better on the anxiety front although I have had a diverticulitis flare up. Luckily I have some antibiotics with me but I have to go pretty much on a fluid diet to clear my system. I have just told myself it is what it is and I have to carry on, depressing though tbh as it's Xmas day tomorrow :weep:

I totally feel for you in regards to sleep. I keep waking up early like 3 and 4am and can't sleep again, that's where the anxiety is the worst for me. Luckily my wife is amazing and let's me put the tv on.

I hope your day goes ok tomorrow, I will be on if you want a chat. Only problem is the time difference. Try and have a good one and watch some of those silly Xmas films lol. Take care

25-12-17, 04:50
Hi all, im the same, was looking forward to a few days off but once it came boom, out of my normal routine and anxiety hits. Can't sleep either. Its 4am every morning im wide awake. I hate xmas and im feeling panicky about today already.
Good luck.

25-12-17, 18:27
I wandered how both your days are going ? I'm in the states atm so it's only 10:25am, I was awake at 4. Nothing much planned today apart from going to see the new star wars film later.

25-12-17, 20:13
Hi all - and thanks for the lovely messages.
It is 8pm here, and xmas day is coming to a close. Of course, after all my anxiety and worry, it turned out to be absolutely fine. We played, open presents, then played with the board games, built a little catapult, made up some songs on the piano etc. Focusing on the now was key - each moment for itself, rather than the whole day as some giant, impossibly heavy obstacle.
Now it gets close to bedtime, my brain is trying to make me anxious about tomorrow (another day trapped inside), but I am telling it to stop being silly.
I think my only advice is to just try and be present, just let what comes come, all you have to think about is where you are and what you are doing (reminds me of what Yoda said to Luke in Empire - and enjoy the new star wars Kobey - be prepared for it not to do what you expect!)
best wishes to you all

26-12-17, 00:15
Hey, glad it went ok today. The new star wars film was pretty good. Not up to a lot this afternoon so will probably watch the nfl and a film. Still trying to get my body clock on track.