View Full Version : Stomach cancer - Health anxiety ruining my life

23-12-17, 18:49
Hi all, this is probably going to be quite long but if anyone could offer advice it would be much appreciated.

For the last six months or so I was convinced I had bowel cancer (I posted here various times). Eventually my GP agreed to refer me for a flexi sigmoidoscopy which I had done Thursday; all clear I don’t have bowel cancer. I was hoping this would finally put my HA to rest, but no. About four weeks ago my acid reflux started to play up. It had been really good recently to the point where I wasn’t even having to take my medication for it. (It comes and goes and I usually medicate as needed). Anyway since it started four weeks ago it hasn’t stopped in one form or another. I either have a feeling of indigestion, a feeling of nausea, or this lump in my throat but I can’t decide if that’s post nasal drip or acid reflux.

My medication hasn’t taken it away fully so obviously now I’m convinced it’s stomach cancer, though in the brief moments when I can think logically I do wonder how many of my symptoms could be attributed to anxiety. A new symptom that seems to have started though is a lot of burping, in the past I’ve never had this even when my reflux played up.

Stomach cancer sort of runs in my family. My grandfather passed away due to it and so did his mum and his sister had it but survived. (My grandad was 67 but his mum was only in her late 40s think). I’m only 31 so know that’s very young for stomach cancer and no 1st degree relatives have had it so I don’t know where that puts me in terms of increased inherited risk.

I’ve saw my GP about it on Monday and she thinks it’s anxiety. She said if it hadn’t gone in four weeks she would refer me for an endoscopy. (I can’t decide if that’s to ease my anxiety or because if it lasts another four weeks she’ll suspect cancer too).

I still have my appetite, haven’t lost weight and the symptoms aren’t consistent e.g. it sometimes feels like heartburn, other times nausea. I’m trying so hard to get over my health anxiety. I take medication and see a counsellor. It helps in that it allows me to function day to day, but I can’t say I’m happy. This is literally ruining my life. If anyone can offer advice or has had similar symptoms I’d appreciate hearing from you. Thanks as always,

23-12-17, 19:15
Hi I have just private messaged you. I have been EXACTLY the same. I have now got through the heightened anxiety. I saw my GP on weds. She assured me that the weight would be dropping off me by now if I had stomach cancer for that long and that the symptoms you and I are suffering - and they are exactly the same - are classic stress. PLEASE don't let this HA rob you of Christmas.