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25-06-07, 20:06
Does anyone know anythign about Magnesium and the positive effects it may have for treating PD?

geordie flower
25-06-07, 20:16
Hiya ive beem taking magnesium for 3 days now and i can honestly say i am feeling alot less anxious and panicky!Maybe its just a placebo effect but hey who cares im feeling alot better, I would def give it a try :) tracey x

26-06-07, 00:02
This stuff is a mircale! Truly.

It helps with everything anxiety related.

Sometimes I even make a warm coconut milk tonic with magnesium in it....it is soooooooooooooo relaxing and yummy. :)

You should take about 600mg a day for anxiety.

26-06-07, 00:16
i will def try it.i seen another thread on this....i was told mine was way to low .so i went out and bought some mag tabs have i taken them NO.I will first thing with my coffee.............thanks for the info..........Linda

26-06-07, 00:21
Im going to try this too.....every little helps eh?

26-06-07, 00:26
i will def try it.i seen another thread on this....i was told mine was way to low .so i went out and bought some mag tabs have i taken them NO.I will first thing with my coffee.............thanks for the info..........Linda
Hi Linda

Funny you should mention taking magnesium with coffee.....because I just read that coffee actually reduces and depletes your bodies magnesium....and of course im sure you know caffiene also can make you anxious....does me anyway.

26-06-07, 08:20
just been reading all these articals on magnesium and worry that i might all ready have enough and taking to much could do wot
read an artical in a magazine last night about a young women suffering from lack of somthing any way she had to have injection of some kind because or body lacked something that absorbs the b12 any way after the first injection she was ok she will have to have them for life trish xx

26-06-07, 08:22
just been reading all these articals on magnesium and worry that i might all ready have enough and taking to much could do wot
read an artical in a magazine last night about a young women suffering from lack of somthing any way she had to have injection of some kind because or body lacked something that absorbs the b12 any way after the first injection she was ok she will have to have them for life trish xx
god just read that back to my self and it looks jibba jabba i was actucaly feelin verey anxiuose why writin it and couls not think straight lol

26-06-07, 10:09
What injection Trish? I am intrigued by this magnesium thing and want to try it. Not keen on an injection though.......

geordie flower
26-06-07, 18:35
Hiya, well im on day 4 of taking magnesium supplement of 250mg a day and I can honestly say im feeling much better, Ive also stopt drinking coffee also. my anxiety has reduced loads I almost feel normal again! lets hope it lasts. The instructions on mine say one a day of 250mg a day so 600mg sounds quite alot to me, Im not sure wat overdosing on them would do, doesanyone know? tracey x:)

26-06-07, 21:50
hi tryingfloat,
i cant give up my coffee tho but im trying to cut back......i never knew that either hmmmmmmmm.......i know it makes ya anxious some more than others if ya drink too much when i first got this i was on decaff but i switched i dunno why i dont remember why lol.......Linda

27-06-07, 04:39
I dont know much about it. I have ordered some Mag and have yet to receive it. I did read that too much mag could have bad side effects like stomach problems and stuff.

27-06-07, 20:51
well itried the magnesium today let ya know how it works for me ......tc all hope your all well.........Linda xx

29-06-07, 09:27
What injection Trish? I am intrigued by this magnesium thing and want to try it. Not keen on an injection though.......I I MP U BUT DONT NO IF I SENT IT OK WILL U LET ME THANKS FROM TRISH

29-06-07, 09:41
Hi everyone,

Where do u get magnesium from. Can u get it from a health food store, like holland and barrett?


geordie flower
29-06-07, 14:28
hiya yes you can get it from any health food shop or large supermarkets. I got mine from holland and barrets. Im on day 6 of taking magnesium and im feeling loads better, whether it is placebo effect or not i dont care cos im feeling really good taking it! good luck tracey :) x

30-06-07, 13:24
Magnesium and pottasiam are both really important to a healthy body. I have really low pottasium once and it makes you feel like hell. Morden day diets esspacially those high in salt can deplete thes minerals.
Banana's are also a brillient source of both. i have never tried magnesium tablets but i would imagine they would help you to feel better and less anxious.