View Full Version : Urination problems on Citalopram (22 year old male)

24-12-17, 18:21
Hi there, so I started taking 20mg Citalopram 5 days ago and it's been a bumpy ride including panic attacks, the thing is my panic attacks are all health anxiety based and are focused on one side effect. Since I've started taking Cit, I've been finding it difficult to urinate. Not impossible, I can eventually get a stream going and (hopefully) empty my bladder fully but it can be quite painful. I've seen a doctor about a possible UTI and had the tests and they came back negative, she also physically checked my stomach to see if my bladder was inflamed or I was constipated but she says it's nice and soft so no physical issues there. I was wondering if anybody else has had this issue and if it passed? Sometimes it gets so hard I worry I'm going to need a catheter.

A bit of extra info that might be useful is the fact that I suffer from Paruresis (Shy bladder syndrome) so I struggle in the same way to urinate when I'm in a public bathroom, so this may just be caused by the initial anxiety boosting side effects but I really hope it passes.

Update: So I haven't taken my dose today as I wanted to try at night as the doctor recommended, and it's definitely the medication as I can now pee without any issue. It is 100% a side effect of the meds.

26-12-17, 13:27
I have read that you can have urination problems, but have only seen increased urination as a side effect, but its most likely the meds.
Cit will affect people differently. That side effect should start to diminish over the coming weeks.