View Full Version : Driving and agoraphobia - any advice welcome

24-12-17, 19:40
As per usual, there is no public transport for the next two days- so I'm having to drive 100 miles for Christmas visit to family.

Been feeling increasingly panicky all day at the thought of it - not so much at the driving - but at having to spend an overnight away from home. I like to wake up in my own bed and can't sleep away from home - also not used to being constantly in the company of others - with no 'escape' from the situation. Haven't driven up the M1 for a couple of years now and not entirely sure how I'm going to manage it all.

Probably sound pathetic but the agoraphobia has been getting worse the last two years, and all I want to do is stay put at home. Haven't been with my family for the last two Christmases and don't want to let them down again, but this means that I'm putting more pressure on myself to have to go, which in turn increases the panic and all the awful physical symptoms that come with it.

Any words of encouragement to help me rise above this vicious circle I've trapped myself in would be very welcome.

Chris 614
27-12-17, 09:48
How did it go? I get much anticipatory anxiety before a long drive. I had to do a two hundred mile round trip last week to pick someone up from the airport. I did not want to do it. I worked myself up beforehand. I was edgy for most of the drive. And I survived. As always.

31-12-17, 16:30
Unfortunately it didn't ... I was so wound up the night before that I only got about 2 hours' sleep. Not a good recipe for getting behind the wheel, and frankly I was exhausted. Spent a quiet Christmas at home.

My family are understanding about it, but it doesn't stop me feeling bad for letting them down again. Am intending to visit once public transport returns to normal again.

Appreciate knowing that I'm not the only one who gets anxious about this sort of thing.

31-12-17, 17:17
I can completely relate to this! Being away from home is scary for me too. I hope you have a lovely time when you do visit. I tell myself there will be anxious times but there will also be fantastic fun times when I'm away too so I just have to get through the anxiety if I want the fun.
Best wishes

05-01-18, 09:44
It's strange how anxiety affects us. For me I actually feel better driving as I feel in control and know I can stop if I need to. But the thought of public transport completely fills me with dread and I avoid it totally. I haven't been on a bus in years. I must admit I'm not a big fan of motorways though as you obviously have to wait until you get to an exit to be able to come off if you feel bad.

up a ladder
05-01-18, 20:22
Hi Dorabella. I so understand the not wanting to stay away from home. I frequently have to do this for work and every time I will worry for weeks. I have this horrible expectation of loosing control and having to leave and drive home. However, this only happened once and that was 20 years ago.
Also, you were absolutely right that you didnt go, 2 hrs sleep and high anxiety on a 100 mile journey would have been unwise. That was a sensible decision not really classic avoidance.