View Full Version : Finally an answer!!!!

geordie flower
25-06-07, 20:57
Hiya, I thought I would share with you my good news Ive finally been given a reason for my anxiety/panic! My doc referred me to a councillor wen he couldnt find a medical reason for my anxiety/panic, he'd done all the usual blood tests and couldnt find anything wrong. So after a consultation with the councillor, he went thru my history, lifestory,family life etc and asked if there was anything troubling me which there wasnt. Then I happened to mention an incident tht happened in oct 2006. I was sitting in the car in the passenger seat my hubby was in his mates house nd the kids were in the back of the car wen 2 teenagers in hoodies knocked on my window and shouted at me while their mate opened the drivers door and stole my hubbys sat nav! At the time i was shook up and upset I mean wat if they had of had a knife, hurt my kids, stole my handbag or even the car! After a day or two I put it to the back ov my mind. Then in nov 2006 i began sufferin from dizzyness, anxiety feelings, feelings ov always being on edge,panic attacks ,and unreality feelings. I told my councillor all this and he said I was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Dissorder. Im so pleased to finally have an answer for all this, im feeling so positive! sorry to have gone on abit, thanks for listening :) tracey x

25-06-07, 23:18
Tracey that must be such a relief for you.Great news on feeling so positive.Im really pleased for you.:hugs:

26-06-07, 00:34
Well good its always nice to have an anwser. And now that you know where it started you can work towards a full recovery! Sorry that happened to you....I cant imagine how awfully scary that must of been for you.

26-06-07, 05:27
That sounds terrible Tracey-I am so sorry that you had to go through that and no wonder you have been feeling anxious! Good luck with your therapy and I'm sure you will feel better soon, take care Bev

geordie flower
26-06-07, 18:43
Hiya thank you to those that replied to me, I really feel that Ive turned a corner finally getting a reason for wat ive been feeling, Half the battle of dealing with it is knowing wat it is ( if that makes any sense!) I always thought it was soldiers who had fought in war zones or people who'd been involved in horrific accidents that got PTSD but the councillor said it can happen after any situation where we have felt threatened or vunerable. Thanks again tracey :) x

26-06-07, 19:59
Hi Geordie

Great to hear you have a answer now which will help on your recovery, sounds like thats another step forward for you hun.:)

I was diagnosed with PTSD due to a trumatic event, i went for 1 year after the event feeling fine then the anxiety started, so it just goes to show how things can catch up on us.

Sending you a hug !:hugs:

26-06-07, 21:55
thats good to hear .any trauma in someones life can bring that on...never thought i had it untill i spoke with my sister in law last night kinda new but never put a name on it towards me....Linda