View Full Version : leukemia and cold/cough :(

25-12-17, 03:58
So maybe in the beginning of December (or very end of November) i came down with a common cold. this lasted for maybe 3-4 days at most. I didn't think much about it since i always get sick when weather changes. Although, on Thursday, i screamed a lot at school and later developed an itchy throat. I thought it was just from using my voice too much, but then the cough developed into a very painful, hack dry cough eventually turning into one with mucus. The next day, i had terrible bone pain along with frontal sinus pain (still hurts to even move my head sideways, the area above my eyebrows is so painful) my head also hurts when i cough. I still have all these symptoms and yesterday also got a sore throat and runny nose (have so much clear mucus) and my ears also quite hurt. I did not lose my appetite nor do i have a fever (i don't think i do? never had one so i wouldn't know how it feels like). my main problem is that I'm seriously so scared this is just another pinpoint to leukemia. I've been having this fear since october and although i am not tired nor do i have a loss in appetite, i did have two colds in one month (frequent infection/ sickness?), some temporary bone pain from time to time, along with sinus headache that hasn't gone away since i was sick. i also am so worried because i keep getting paper cuts (currently have three) and its been days and they still haven't fully healed. i had one that healed in a week and a red spot was left (goes away when pressure is applied). i remember a month ago or so shaving and accidentally cutting myself on my thigh, i bled so much for a few minutes and it was scary because I've never had a razor cut bleed that much, but it completely stopped bleeding after a bandaid) although i think a sheer red spot has been left. i don't have petiache, but i do have lots of ingrown hairs that i always pick at and scars have been left. i don't feel tired, only when I'm going to bed. another worry is bruising. though i have yet to find any, i always check myself for some, and its scary. i also have somewhat pale gums AT TIMES and that worries me due to anemia. although i had a blood test a while back having all clears,although I've heard of a story where a girl who had leukemia had an all clear blood test the month before she was diagnosed. the only health issues i have that i know of are pcos (taking birth control for a year now ever since diagnosed) and vitamin d deficiency. and it sucks because i always see those st jude commercials on tv of children with leukemia and take it as a sign that ill soon be diagnosed. also, my neck feels very tender and swollen (in the middle) yet i can't find or pinpoint any swollen lymph nodes anywhere on my body. I'm just scared that i got two colds in one month, the one i currently have being very nasty it even hurts to move my head in any direction (up, down, sides). I'm just terrified, and have a feeling of ultimate doom. sorry this is so long. appreciate any comments/words. Im also a 17 year old girl by the way. I got this sickly cold towards the end of my period.

25-12-17, 16:03
Hi there and your symptoms do not sound like symptoms of Leukemia. I see you are worried because you got sick 2 times in one month? It sounds like the first time was a common cold and the second one sounds like symptoms of the flu. Your situation isn't really all that uncommon. Your immune system was already somewhat weakened by the first cold making it harder for your body to fight off any bug you come into contact with and the flu has been going around big time.

I know it doesn't seem like it by all the commercials that come on the TV or all the things we read in the news or online but the reality is that both Leukemia and Lymphoma are actually pretty rare when compared to other types of cancer. While it is possible for one to have normal blood work for a time before being diagnosed with an illness, its not likely. There is usually something off in the labs and that's the case more times then its not.
You have anxiety (health anxiety) and you should speak with your parents about getting you into therapy. Don't try and deal with this alone. There are ways to manage anxiety.. There are meds, therapy or a combination of the two. If this is just starting for you, try and get in under control now before it starts to control you. The seeing commercials on TV and thinking its a sign that the universe is trying to tell you something is common among people with health anxiety. It happens to me as well.

You are okay and you will be okay. Stay away from googling your symptoms as this is going to make things worse for you. Google can convince someone they are dying from a stubbed toe. Trust me, it really is the worst thing someone who has health anxiety can do.