View Full Version : How I got here

25-06-07, 21:00
60 minutes ago I trawled the web, landing up here through google, websites about angina and finally Wikipedia. What caused me to start looking in the first place was the extreme chest pain I suffered (in silence as not to worry my girlfriend) during the latest Pirates of the Caribbean film last Saturday. Yes it was crap, but that probably wasn't the cause.

In those 60 minutes, 30 of which were spent drinking the alcohol I often turn too when "feeling poorly", I've gone through all the phases: suspicion ("this site's bound to be full of hypochondriacs who'll know nothing about how I feel) to optimism ("hey, that's just like I feel"), to elation ("good lord - I'm not mad after all"), to misery ("all those years thinking I was mad"). Now I'm somewhere close to realistic.

I am very nearly 28, fairly physically fit, eat well and am successful in the sense that I have a wonderful girlfriend of 3.5 years and run a really great little company. However, ever since my teens I have suffered from something that has been variously diagnosed as "being possessed", "bipolar disorder" and "schizophrenia". I've found these diagnosis's a problem but have nonetheless worked really hard with a combination of lifestyle and occasional medicine to fight it off... and I've never really won.

I am often stressed (I work far too hard!!!) and every so often this results in me going completely crazy in the classical sense. My muscles tense and shake, twisting me up like Stephan Hawking; I start thinking of death; sometimes I attack and bite myself; I twitch; I speak loudly and bizarrely to myself; my inner voice starts to think horrible things about the people I pass... Basically everything goes a bit weird and the symptoms can last a couple of days, especially if partnered with depression.

Without even noticing it until reading this forum, this has made me reclusive (because I arbitarily, and wrongly, associate certain types people with my anger, so I don't want to see them), avoid watching action movies (because it causes chest pains), and has even made cutting meat very difficult (because of my pre-occupation/fear of having my throat cut). I also drink a fair amount of spirits when I'm my own to numb myself against this craziness.

Thankfully my girlfriend is awesome and, even though it clearly upsets her, she puts up with my "madness" and puts a brave face on things if need be. However, last weekend the chest pains got bad enough to really scare the hell out of me... something more than a little intensified by always having been obsessed with dying when I'm 27: it's my 28th this week!

I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow to double-check my heart is okay, but in the meantime I hope this site will help me to start to come to terms with something a lot of you appear to be suffering from. I hope with time I can give something back.

Cheers and all the best,

25-06-07, 21:02

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

25-06-07, 22:25
hello and welcome and your not mad

26-06-07, 00:25
hello hugh and welcome and no you are not mad what so ever........Linda

26-06-07, 08:30
Thanks for the support! Hopefuily last night's revelations will lead me to a much more chilled out day today :shades:

26-06-07, 08:35
Hi Hugh

welcome to NO MORE PANIC. Hope you find all the support and advice you need on this site, i am relativley new myself and people have been good to me:)

26-06-07, 09:55
Hi Hugh

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


26-06-07, 13:34
Hi and welcome :)


26-06-07, 16:32
Hi Hugh,

Welcome to the site. You will find many who feel like you do and will obtain support from this forum.


26-06-07, 17:42
Hello Hugh!
Welcome to this amazing site, I am in a quite similar situation like you: have this funny ?! feeling coming from my heart I have it checked this Friday in :yesyes: :weep: :shrug: :flowers: :huh: :) London . I hope everything goes well with your check up , even as hard as it sounds try to relax and step of the treadmill, treat yourself, go out , have fun.It worked for me!!
all the best Brendy

26-06-07, 18:43
Thanks again for all your kind greetings.

I haven't been to a doctor in ages and the one I saw today was a new one for me. For some unknown reason I decided not to tell him about all the tics and whatnot, but regarding the pain I was experiencing he seemed pretty convinced I am in good shape physically and that I have nothing to worry about.

One less thing to get stressed about :winks:

26-06-07, 21:39
Hi Hugh

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help and support and you meet some fab people here.

Pink Princess
27-06-07, 23:35
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

29-06-07, 11:19
Woot! I passed my 28th birthday yesterday and I am still alive!

funky chick
29-06-07, 12:16
Hi and welcome Hugh,
Im sure you will find this site friendly and helpful and belated birthday wishes for yesterday. love Gail xx:hugs:

29-06-07, 13:36
Hi Hugh,

A big warm welcome to you. Well done you for still being alive after your 28th birthday lol. xx