View Full Version : Absolutely terrified... :'(

25-12-17, 20:02
I'm in the middle of hell at the moment and it's ruined my Christmas :(
I've had heartburn and difficulty swallowing for months now and I've been referred for an Endoscopy :'( but I don't even feel I can face that as my anxiety is through the roof, not just because of the procedure, but over the results too :'(

I'm now having stomach troubles too :'(
I have had a pain for the past few days in my left side, hip...like where the 'love handle' bit is...that's the only way to describe it and when I touch it or squeeze it, it feels like I need to break wind or go the toilet...feels a bit like period pain also...

I've also been getting bright red blood on the toilet paper after a poo and I've been going more than normal...

I just feel like I'm dying...there's no other explanation... :'(

26-12-17, 00:22
Has your doctor done any bloods ?

29-12-17, 22:25
Yeah, only showed that I was anaemic... please guys, I need help, I'm close to cancelling...

29-12-17, 22:34
Don't cancel.

If you don't have the tests (which will likely show something simple and easily treatable) then you will be left with the hell.

Seriously, imagine all this without ever finding anything out about what they can do to help.

Hang in there and relax. Bright red blood is very often from piles (achey bottom?) rather than internal. But the only way to find any answers is to have the tests. Otherwise you are left with the questions.

Don't cancel.

Catherine S
29-12-17, 22:42
But if you cancel you'll never know. Then you'll always be guessing. Awful things happen to people yes...but very rarely. Our bodies are stronger than we anxies always think they are. We're not so fragile. I've had acid reflux and stomach problems for the last few years but fortunately I no longer have HA so I can rationise it as my digestive system changing. So I deal with it myself by changing diet etc.

I instinctively know that if it was anything serious i'd know it because i'd be in alot of pain...serious pain. At the end of the day it's your decision to keep the appointment or not though.

Cath S ☺