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Lost all hope
25-12-17, 20:31
I really can’t accept that anxiety an depression can cause all these symptoms? There has to be something wrong with me?!

26-12-17, 17:40
Anxiety and depression can cause A LOT of symptoms :( If you look anywhere at symptom lists you'll see it causes a very wide variation of symptoms that differ per person...

Lost all hope
26-12-17, 17:43
I’m just fed up at the min an really high anxiety I’m always terrified it’s something serious :)

26-12-17, 17:48
What are the symptoms you're worried about? I'm sure they are symptoms that are caused by anxiety and not by anything serious. The mind is very powerful and anxiety/stress can make you feel just about anything :(

But the good news is that the symptoms aren't caused by something serious.. for example you may feel like you're fainting but you don't actually faint

Lost all hope
26-12-17, 17:55
At the min it’s chest pain, sweating, tremors panicking but I’ve just started medication so don’t know if that’s causing it I just know I can’t carry on like this!

26-12-17, 19:51
Could be either anxiety or the medication. I couldn't believe that anxiety could cause physical symptoms either, but it bloody can. I mean you're getting all these symptoms and you haven't dropped down dead so what else could it be ;)

Lost all hope
26-12-17, 20:07
There’s loads of other symptoms to, I’m really struggling at the min don’t know if I should come off the medication? X