View Full Version : Is anyone here actually battling a REAL disease?

26-12-17, 00:01
Again, not wanting to trigger anyone but I've been holed up in bed for 5 days because I've had to take antibiotics for a 'possible infection' I stopped the antibiotics after 4 days because I freak out about side effects, now I'm freaking out the infection is somewhere in my body you can't see ... I can't eat, I've lost my appetite, can't sleep properly but my wound has pretty much healed .. - but what hasn't is the wound I can't get too which is my anxiety fuelled brain.
I've gone through a lot of these posts on NMP over the last 5 days and I wonder - is anyone here actually really sick with an illness that's not anxiety?
Out of all the possible diseases we have - how many actually have it?
We come here (or I do) mainly for you to say ' you don't have it' - let's be honest, that's what we want - reassurance.....
But it doesn't actually work as we all have OCD and we jump onto something else.
We test ourselves, somewhat unnecessarily, - our Dr's give us tests after test to help 'reassure' us, yet we never feel better.
Our anxiety alone is our disease - so why are we not curing that?
By ruminating about our next disease we are actually helping our true disease spread.
Sure you can take antidepressants and that helps to a degree but unless you're taking a holistic approach it will only be a band-aid.
We all need therapy, real help - not from our Dr's.
There is a new year coming up and I"ll be damned if I go through 2018 with a thousand different diseases again.
Let's Heal ourselves from the ONE disease we definitely DO HAVE - Anxiety.

Love you all.
Seriously I do.

26-12-17, 00:41
I suffer from diverticulitis which has been life changing for me. Along with anxiety sometime I can be a complete wreck. I'm away atm and have an attack been on liquids only for two days and now eating soft foods. The joy of being on holiday, luckily I have a course of antibiotics with me. Anxiety is at a tolerable level atm which I am actually surprised about.

26-12-17, 00:48
I have 3 different heart arrhythmias... I am currently going through something but have yet to figure out what it is. They suspected my liver but TONS of test later liver is fine. This has triggered my health anxiety.

26-12-17, 00:50
My fear was always cancer. This week I discovered blood in my urine. I don't have a UTI, so the only other possible explanation is bladder cancer. So I can almost say yeah I think it's real for me this time.

26-12-17, 02:05
Oh interesting - thank you for sharing....
I just went to the toilet and peed red - but then I remembered I ate beetroots for lunch and also for dinner - things aren’t always cancer.
There are many reasons for red blood and sometimes there’s bo reason.
Kidney stones are another one..... we always just jump to the worst don’t we.
Best to be aware but not alarmed....

---------- Post added at 02:05 ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 ----------

Oh interesting - thank you for sharing....
I just went to the toilet and peed red - but then I remembered I ate beetroots for lunch and also for dinner - things aren’t always cancer.
There are many reasons for red blood and sometimes there’s bo reason.
Kidney stones are another one..... we always just jump to the worst don’t we.
Best to be aware and alert but not alarmed....

26-12-17, 06:56
I have an aortic aneurysm and a bicuspid aortic valve, which will at some point in the next year or two require surgery. Totally calm about that to be honest. Never even a worry I had, and it was found by accident without symptoms.

When you face something, in my experience the anxiety slips away. I have my bouts with it, but for the most part I have a positive outlook because what other choice is there. Having an actual diagnosis, I am sad to say, has given me more peace of mind than ten years of on again off again counseling. It has really helped me get back to living in the moment, with periodic exceptions.

26-12-17, 06:57
I consider anxiety a real disease.

26-12-17, 09:19
Oh yes. I have severe eye problems (partially sighted). Multiple prolapsed spinal discs. Underactve thyroid. Hiatus hernia and super ventricular tachycardia. At moment have very genuine flu and a chest infection! Health anxiety just means livibg with all the symptoms of genuine illnesses even harder as i panic so easily.
My h a has caused me to obsessively take my temp with this flu!

26-12-17, 10:54
Scoliosis, Chiari malformation, reduced flexibility of the neck. Over pronation causes foot pain. Underactive Thyroid. Liver enzymes are always raised for some reason. Chronic neck pain. TMJ and Eustachian tube dysfunction aaaand tinnitus. Life's a ball lol.

But, health anxiety is by far the worst thing that I suffer from!!!

26-12-17, 11:38
My fear was always cancer. This week I discovered blood in my urine. I don't have a UTI, so the only other possible explanation is bladder cancer. So I can almost say yeah I think it's real for me this time.

Is that really true that UTI and bladder cancer or the *only* causes for blood in urine?

Did a doctor tell you that or Google?

26-12-17, 12:59
The doctor went over the causes which are kidney stones ( but she said no because they are painful) uti ( white h she's calling it until...Even though I have none of the symptoms I always get with one) and bladder cancer ( which painless blood points to). Google does in fact t say it also. And i k ow I'm not supposed to Google but I did and many reputable sites say the same thing.
Sadly sometimes we are right.if it weren't for my HA then I may not be as vigilant.

26-12-17, 16:38
Adult-onset asthma.

It probably seems like no big deal, but docs gave me the run around for a year until finally sending me to a pulmonologist who diagnosed me with this. I don't have a horrible case where I'm gasping for breath, but I do cough constantly when untreated and I also get lots of congestion that pools in my throat and causes voice change, the need to clear, etc. So, it has been disruptive to my life (especially when I have the coughing). Plus, the symptoms are the same as/similar to lung cancer (I am a cancer fearer) so it really doesn't help the anxiety.

26-12-17, 19:09
My fear was always cancer. This week I discovered blood in my urine. I don't have a UTI, so the only other possible explanation is bladder cancer. So I can almost say yeah I think it's real for me this time.

There are lots of other explanationd for blood in urine. I have had this occult blood all the time since they introduced dip tests when i was 19. I am now 56! Nothing at all wrong with bladder or kidneys( i have been extensively tested) its just my kidney filters are large so let blood through. If i get dehydrated it becomes visible.
So whilst its sensible for drs to check all possibilities lots of people are like me

26-12-17, 21:11
I’ve had more tests than you can imagine and there’s yet to be anything physically wrong with me. Although I do have very minor MVP and have to have a heart scan every 5 years. Weirdly it’s the one thing I really don’t worry about. I’m meant to get my flu jab every year because of it but don’t bother half the time. The one physical thing that is actually wrong and I have next to no anxiety over it; go figure

29-12-17, 07:32
underactive thyroid (corrected with medication), peripheral neuropathy (genetic cause, sadly no meds yet) and . . . ANXIETY! I got HA in particular when I had to get my neuropathy diagnosed and learned all about more severe neurological conditions.

29-12-17, 07:52
Yep,but I don't tell anyone. I just get on with my life the only way I can and that is too be happy.

02-01-18, 05:38
I have lupus (currently in remission), hashimotos, tinnitus, sensory processing disorder, supraventricular tachycardia, gastritis, and anxiety.

02-01-18, 07:03
The doctor went over the causes which are kidney stones ( but she said no because they are painful) uti ( white h she's calling it until...Even though I have none of the symptoms I always get with one) and bladder cancer ( which painless blood points to). Google does in fact t say it also. And i k ow I'm not supposed to Google but I did and many reputable sites say the same thing.
Sadly sometimes we are right.if it weren't for my HA then I may not be as vigilant.

I could be wrong, but I'd be anything on you not having cancer.

02-01-18, 08:14
yeah it's interesting, the things that we have here are real - the anxiety we have creates so many issues in itself, I really want to defeat the anxiety this year - not more for me.
I find as I get older I'm freaking out more - insurance goes up because suddenly you're in a 'risk' group - you get free tests etc.... agggh that freaks me out.

02-01-18, 13:45
Nothing diagnosed, unless scoliosis and chronic otitis externa counts! The scoliosis doesn't bother me, and the otitis externa is controlled with daily ear drops of one part rubbing alcohol and one part white cider vinegar.

Oh and I'm myopic af. -7.5.

Feeling I'm going to be diagnosed with something a bit more sinister soon, unfortunately.