View Full Version : Vascular Malformations/VM/AMV's

26-12-17, 03:37
Hi everyone! This is my first post on here, and I have suffered from health anxiety for as long as I can remember. I have several VM's in my mouth on the right side, but have never had imaging done on them. I have been getting headaches frequently for the past month and now I am nervous that maybe I have a brain AVM and if so that it may hemorrhage at any moment. I am having trouble sleeping, or doing much of anything due to the fear. I just moved to a new place and don't have a PCP here. I went to the ER tonight and they didn't seem to know much about them (super rare) and claimed their MRI was down for Christmas and told me they weren't worried about me having one and they think I will be fine. Does anyone have experience with VM's/AVM's?

26-12-17, 03:49
What is VM/AMV?

26-12-17, 04:05
They are two types of vascular malformations - venous malformation (vm), arteriovenous malformation (avm). I would post a link to more information but the website is telling me that I have to post more before I'm allowed to use links.

26-12-17, 05:58
I know a child with a vm on her calf, she had surgery and has regular ultrasounds and checkups. I also have a friend who had an avm in her brain. It ruptured and she survived. She went back to work after about 6 months and is now doing quite well, considering what happened. These are usually congenital. Were you born with the one in your mouth?
Talk to a doctor, perhaps say you have had headaches to get a scan for piece of mind. I wouldn't worry too much until you have had your mouth checked.

26-12-17, 16:41
I looked it up and from what I read it seems these conditions you mention are something people are born with.... If you are concerned with VM'S in your mouth, you should get an appointment with a GP in your new area and let him/her have a look... I dont think your going to be able to get the ER to investigate this for you. I dont know what country you live in but here in the US they really dont use MRI in the ER.