View Full Version : Struggling on fluoxetine

Lost all hope
26-12-17, 17:03
Hi I’m really struggling on fluoxetine I’ve been on it for a week but my anxiety is very high I’m struggling to cope!! Can’t eat anything I’m shaking sweating panicking chest pain stomach pain feel sick keep crying really having a hard time! Are these normal side effects or should I stop taking them any advise would be much appreciated thanks:)

30-12-17, 22:53
It made me feel like that too so I went off it and am trying something else. Is your doctor available?

07-01-18, 05:54
Make sure you go up on that med slowly. I was put on 20mg of it and I couldnt hang. So years later I started at 5mg - 10mg then to 20.

Im very sensitive to meds. Stick with it, it WILL WORK. BUt you may need to come down a bit.

10-01-18, 16:03
I am having the exact same issue! I am taking pristiq and am on the therapeutic dose of 50MG and have been so for 4 weeks. I'm having chest tightness, shaking (internal shaking, worrisome thought, sleepless night, increased anxiety that a benzo will barely help. Is it time to call it quits? I haven't taken my pristiq today. I'm waiting for a call back from the doctor to see what to do.

Lost all hope
10-01-18, 16:22
I stopped that an started sertraline but that just seems as bad, so god knows what to do? What did the doctor say? X

10-01-18, 16:38
She hasn't called me back yet. :( I will call again in an hour or so.

11-01-18, 19:14
How are you doing today? My anxiety is still really high. I am playing phone tag with my doctor. I think i am going to start weaning off the Pristiq. It's making me worse :(

Lost all hope
11-01-18, 21:46
Hi I’ve had a good day today! Kept myself busy, hope your doing ok hasn’t your doctor been in touch yet? Yeah that’s what fluoxetine did to me so started sertraline feeling abit better, I’m a lot better then I was anyway :) x

12-01-18, 16:07
yes, she has contacted me and told me to drop my dose from 50MG to 25, so today is my first day. I can't wait to get this stuff out of my body! I've been on it for 5 weeks, I hope I don't suffer major withdrawls. It can't be any worse than what i'm feeling now. Fingers crossed xxx.

12-01-18, 17:34

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