View Full Version : GAD - how do I cope with this long term

26-12-17, 18:41
I've been diagnosed with GADfor 11 years it's mostly manageable and I've been on medication twice in 2013 and 2016 I was weaned off in July this year and although initially felt ok the past few months it's reared its ugly head and now im of the opinion I will probably always hsve it. I went to my doctors last week and he started me on escitralopram which I tried before and was ok with, this time it's given me a reaction so after only one dose im.too scared to try it again.

I have had CBT in the past and it helped and I have lots of self help books im wondering if I'm beyond help?

I feel so down I go to work and hide it from every one other than my hubbie and best friend but I feel like I'm plagued with this. I'm desperate to try something that will help me.

Any good success stories please share x

26-12-17, 18:57
I think you have your own answers here. CBT and medication have helped you in the past, so I think now it's time revisit them.

Those are the things that help me. I've had GAD all my life, and it waxes and wanes. When I'm stressed whether due to positive or negative life events, it gets worse, and when things are calm, it settles down a bit on it's own...but it never goes away completely. Medication helps me a lot. While I still have the worrying thoughts, the meds don't allow me to fixate on them. When I've been in a particularly bad spell, in addition to the meds and therapy, journaling, exercise, eating right/avoiding alcohol, getting plenty of sleep help as well.

26-12-17, 22:42
Thank you I appreciate your reply. I've been thinking of journaling so I'm glad you've found that helpful :)

29-12-17, 09:42
Hi , I don't have an actual diagnosis but have been treated for depression and panic attack/anxiety I came off pregabalin last year as felt I could ,Had a few wobbles since but so far have managed to keep med clear-probably due to me avoiding the Dr's lol( I loath going)Its very hard sometimes but I found on the meds I began to question whether it was the illness or side effects least now I know :wacko: hope you have a good new year! :)

30-12-17, 13:38
Hi Welshdory

I'm a fellow GADer. I wish I knew the key to getting over it completely, but that one still evades me sadly. I also think it's something I'll probably always have to battle, but like Antsy says, it comes and goes. Maybe for some people, a short course of medication and/or CBT is enough, for others of us, that's not quite enough. I don't think there's any harm in seeking help through medication/CBT again. If it helped you in the past, that's great and it means there is help for you!

And again, to agree with Antsy, looking after yourself is really important, especially when you're struggling with anxiety. It's something positive you can do.

Give the journaling a go. Have you tried mindfulness/meditation? That can be quite helpful. There are also CBT-based websites, several of which are free. I did one via local IAPT, and some of the tools I've found quite helpful for examining anxious thoughts.

Good luck to you :)