View Full Version : Million doller question - best medication for GAD

26-12-17, 18:45
I know each individual is different but would anyone like to share experiences of most effective medication they have found for GAD.

I'm also convinced I have a bit of OCD (intrusive thoughts)

I've tried citralopram and escitralopram in the past both have helped but I've put on about 2-3 stone each time

Thanks in advance x

26-12-17, 18:51
you were right with your first sentence....

I am on citalopram BUT you have said that one wasn't for you as it made you put on weight...

you can't give a definitive answer because of that..... as you have said everyone is different, everyone has the different side effects for the different meds.... so what is best for one person who has exactly the same symptoms as you isn't necessarily best for you.

not the answer you wanted though lol

but my answer is Citalopram works for me so at the minute it is best for me personally

26-12-17, 18:53
Psychotropics are a fickle thing. What works for one person doesn't for another. Finding the proper dosage and med can be challenging. That being said, you've had success in the past. A bit of weight gain is a small challenge compared to suffering from unrelenting anxiety.

I personally had success with Zoloft for some depression after my 1st heart attack and I used Buspar for some "scanxiety" after my cancer. Both did what they were intended to do and were a solid crutch while I got my feet back under me.

I think discussing this with your doctor would be the best bet. You could also take a look through the meds sub-forum and do a little reading.

Positive thoughts

26-12-17, 20:14
As said above, finding the right med is trial and error. Many people give up on meds after taking one or two and having side effects, and then swear off meds all together. This method is very short-sided as almost all meds have start-up effects that wear off after 6-9 weeks. And often dosage increases are needed to see the medication’s full potential. I see so many people on this site give up prematurely.

I’m on my third med, Lexapro, and I’m planning on staying on it indefinitely.