View Full Version : I have the Flu but I fear it might be something more serious

27-12-17, 00:07
Hey, I'm currently really worried at the moment. I have the flu but being a silly I googled up my symptoms and I fear for myself now. A few days ago I caught the flu from my Mom since I was helping her clean up for Christmas. On Christmas Eve. I started developing a dry cough. Then came the high temperatures, the shaking and aches. It was the same on Christmas Day too. I couldn't enjoy dinner with my family because of it. I have been taking cold and flu tablets that do help when I'm trying to sleep. And now today I fear the worse. Until just now my coughs have started to hurt my throat and chest. I'm not chronic coughing but it happens when I take a deep breath of sit up. Not too mention my nose is all stuffy and blocked it is making it hard for me to breathe. And at times I cough up yellow phlegm I have to spit out.

I looked it up and it said I may have bronchitisthat could lead to having pneumonia. I'm shaking at the moment typing this. I'm a 30 year old male. And I do suffer from Anxiety and I do worry about my health. Heck I have the common cold two months ago and even then I was scared for my health and yeah I even googled about the dreaded "Aussie Flu" which has shot my anxiety right up and I fear I may have that.

I hope the cough and yellow phlegm is only happening because of my blocked nose and the reason my chest hurts because of the coughing and has nothing to do with my lungs or heart.

Has anyone who had or has the flu going through this as well?

27-12-17, 00:12
Just look in this part of the forum, there are thousands of people all over the country suffering from really bad viral infections right now, I've had it myself. This years strain is particularly bad.

1) Stop googling. It's the road to disaster.

2) If it's still there after 10 days, go to see the Doctor, they will tell you what you actually have.

3) Even if you have bronchitis or pneumonia so what? Unless you're particularly young, old or weak it's really not that big a deal.

4) See 1).

27-12-17, 00:36
The flu is going around in a big way and all the doctors are saying its going to be a bad flu year as the vaccine isn't protecting people for the strain that is going around.

Your symptoms are classic flu symptoms.. If you read through some of the post on here lately you will see many going through the same exact thing.

Stay away from googling your symptoms.. This is the worst thing a person with anxiety especially health anxiety can do. Google can literally convince someone they are about to die from a stubbed toe. The flu is a virus so unfortunately there really isn't much the doctors can do for it except let it run its course. You may perhaps find some relief with some over the counter stuff designed to treat symptoms of the flu. Try to get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.. Orange juice is good for your immune system. If your still not feeling better in about 10 days or you start to feel better and then things get worse make an appointment to see your doctor. Keep in mind symptoms of the flu can last close to a month. Hope you feel better soon.

27-12-17, 01:38
Thanks for the replies, I'll stay away from googling symptoms. It just suck that with a cold usually in 2-3 days you start to recover where as the flu you think you are getting better but then something else hits you. I do have over the counter meds for cold and flu. They did help me at night but this was before I had a mucus in my throat, I'm also worried it will clog up my tubes and I won't be able to breathe.

27-12-17, 01:49
There's a saying... It takes a week to catch a cold, a week to have it and a week to get over it. With the flu, add a week or two ;)

Positive thoughts

27-12-17, 01:51
You may get very congested but dont worry although uncomfortable you will still be able to breath...

27-12-17, 09:09
I am one of thr flu victims who like you has been posting on here in a panic because i was so ill and the high temp lasts so long. This flu seems to be at its worst as in temp up/chesty cough/wobbly shakey/loss appetite for 7 days. Then temp comes down but at day 9 i am still coughing and weak and could not leave the house. My husband is at day 5 and still temp/all other symptoms.
As said. If you find breathing problem or cough up brown bloodstained stuff then see dr otherwise its a long haul feeling dreadful!

27-12-17, 10:53
Well if it's any consolation this Jan (2017) I had 3 separate colds (very unusual for me) But I realised it's that time of 'year' The first one boy that knocked me for 6 and I was totally like this is bad didn't see it was going to get better, but of course it did the second one was less intense and not as long in duration then the third one just a normal cold.
Keep your self hydrated and keep your vitamin C levels up too don't dr Google ( they have a lot to answer for and has many law suits lol) and you will be fine

28-12-17, 20:38
Here is an update. I've regained my sense of taste and smell, I can kind of breathe from my nose. I've been eating. The only thing that remains is the cough with mucus. I have made an appointment with the doctor to get it checked since I fear it has traveled to my lungs. I lose my breath every time I cough and it feels hard to stand up without it feeling heavy on me. I'll keep you updated with how it goes tomorrow.

28-12-17, 23:14
When you cough hard, you upset the Oxygen/CO2 balance in your bloodstream (it's like hyperventilating).

Look up Buteyko breathing, it helps to re-balance the blood gases and allows you to feel less breathless.

28-12-17, 23:40
Well the flu does cause coughing etc and once the bad is over the cough is usually the thing that lingers a bit longer...

My 3 year old was the first one in my house to get the flu over 3 weeks ago and while the worst of it was over a tad over a week, she is still very congested and has a horrible cough. she had a follow up appointment with her doctor yesterday. He says he is almost sure the cough is left over from the virus but because of her age he gave her a short round of antibiotics to be safe. He said if she was an older child he wouldn't have bothered because even if it was some sort of upper respiratory infection a healthy persons immune system should be able to handle it but since she is a baby her body may need a little extra help..

31-12-17, 08:44
A little update: I went to the Docs Friday morning, She checked my oxygen levels examined my lungs and breathing including my throat. Turns out it's nothing to do with the lungs it's a viral upper respiratory infection. That calmed me down to hear that but since it's a virus she couldn't really give me anything as it will go away on it's own. But she did tell me drinking hot water with some lemon and honey can help soothe my throat.

My Flu symptoms have mostly resided with the exception of the annoying cough and blocked nose. As well as some discomfort on around my left eye due to my sinuses.

The Doc said I've entering the recovery phase and everything should be gone within the week. Just this persistent cough that gets in my way making me feel poorly. Once it's gone I hope I can get back to my life.

31-12-17, 10:19
Hi Twoshoes Well as one member often says on other members posts "I told ya so." Dr Google is a no,no especialy regarding people with HA or really any one I guess. Glad it was nothing serious and yeah it will make you feel yuk but it will pass. Keep hydrated and keep vitamin C levels up (like high juice blackcurrant/orange squash :) ) and the advice from your dr too ATB

07-01-18, 10:25
I have another fear now. Because I have been coughing so much I have started to get really bad pain in the front of my ribs, both sides but it feels like the left side is worse. I am taking Ibuprofen for it but it only seems to temp help it. It's worse in the mornings, it hurts when I take a deep breath or when I cough.

07-01-18, 10:33
How is a natural reaction to the violent muscle contractions of the muscles of your chest from coughing worrisome? :shrug: Seems pretty normal to me.

Positive thoughts

07-01-18, 13:04
3 years ago I coughed so hard I coughed up blood and tore a muscle in my stomach.

So yeah, a bit of pain is probably ok.