View Full Version : Which medication has helped you??

27-12-17, 17:53
I'm really curious what medication has helped you with anxiety/depression?

I was on Escitalopram but it didn't work for me at all... My anxiety and depression is so bad now i feel like i have no choice than to try a new medication.

Is there a medication that works for anxiety/depression but doesn't kill libido? That was one of the problems i had on the other med..
besides that it didn't do anything for my anxiety/depression at all

27-12-17, 20:39
In the past I have twice used fluoxetine with good results. Over the summer I decided to go back on meds and tried Sertraline. It was a horrible med for me despite the great things I read about it. It gave me five weeks pf horrendous non stop panic attacks, severe fatigue, brain fog and insomnia. After five weeks on it I had no improvement so tapered off and I had withdraw issues despite being on it such a short time. I've been doing a bit better with counselling but I have such a long way yo go, next time I'll just go back on fluoxetine as at least for me it's been proven to work in the past.

28-12-17, 15:24
How long have you been on Escitalopram and what dose? Also, what is your diagnostic?

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28-12-17, 16:18
I was on it for 3 to 4 months, it may be a great med just not for me personally.. seems everyone reacts different to different SSRI,.. Im diagnosed with anxiety/panic but i know i have some depression too..

28-12-17, 19:07
I was on Escitalopram too, last year, and it didn't work well for me, so I am now on Venlafaxine instead. It's helped reduce my depersonalisation symptoms and it hasn't affected me negatively in any way. I will, however, say that I've been struggling to find the right dosage as it seems that it's just short of right. The panic attacks have significantly reduced in duration, which is a big positive.

30-12-17, 00:18
Sertraline really did work for me. I have now been on this twice. The first time I did get horrendous side effects at the start, though these did wear off eventually. Insomnia, poor appetite, diarrhoea, erectile dysfunction and increased anxiety were issues initially, but after around four or five weeks in I really started to feel much better and the side effects disappeared. The second time around I didn't have any major side effects at all, yet I still got the benefits a few weeks in.

We are all different and what works for one person won't necessarily work for another. I was all prepared to give Sertraline the boot due to the side effecs, but what persuaded me to stick with it was the fact that I'd have to gradually come off it and have a break before going through it all again with a different drug. As I knew it could be a few weeks before I might feel any benefits I decided to stick with it. This turned out to be a very wise choice!

30-12-17, 00:40
Escitalopram worked for me when I was first diagnosed but was switched to citalopram after a year due to it being cheaper. Citalopram worked well enough until stress at work caused me problems then I was switched to mirtazapine.

Mirt helps me sleep, but I honestly wish I just stayed on the Citalopram as i've been a nervous wreck since this time last year.

I also take Pregabalin, it takes the edge off a little but it hasn't had much of an effect on me as it has others.

30-12-17, 04:47
OP, it's all trial and error. You have to give a new medication a try and stay on it long enough to give it a chance and then usually increase/adjust it's dose to see how it really affects you. It's not always an easy process, but then finding the right meds and doses for any chronic condition never is... However, when you find the right one, it can make life improve dramatically.