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27-12-17, 19:43
Hey all ...
I have been here before after my mum passed away in 2009 and then in 2013 when my dad died too.. both times it’s mainly heart related but for some reason recently I have been having panic attacks with the same symptoms (always heart) I don’t know what’s triggered it and whilst I kept telling myself the last couple of times it was stress through losing my parents now I have no stress that I can relate to these attacks ... so of course now I think what if I’m now having heart issues .. my weight has yoyo’d I lost 6 stone after my mum died (I was massive) but over the past few years I’ve put half back on so now I’m scared I’m pbvoosly gonna have a heart atttack as I’m big again!
Got a burning feeling for the last couple of days (more in the top of stomach) but course having health anxiety it’s bound to explode in to something worse!
I have no one to talk to and I’m scared of leaving my kids (they are 24 and 23 but they have no one) I just needed to get this out to try and make me realise I’m being an idiot x

Thank you and sorry in advvance

27-12-17, 19:54
I have had exactly the same feelings Mel, I am so glad I came across this forum, I never realised there were so many people out there who are suffering similar to what i am going through.

27-12-17, 20:28
I can relate to this... Both my biological father and his father died at 50 and 51 suddenly and I was told it was heart related... I have 3 different heart arrhythmia's and I used to be obsessed with my heart. The thoughts still linger in the back of my mind like what if it was something genetic and he passed it on to me???

Anyways, do not worry that you are going to have a heart attack just because you over weight. Yes its a risk factor but there are other ones as well... Do what you have to do to get to a healthy weight to lower your risk for heart disease and other things as well.

I am sorry you are going through a tough time right now... The burning almost certainly has to do with your stomach. Try some antacids...

27-12-17, 20:58
Worrying about the heart is a common problem for health anxiety sufferers so I know how you feel. However what I will say is that it is actually one of the few things that we CAN do something about. I'm overweight myself and I know it needs to change, but my anxiety is bad enough that it prevents me from doing something about it at the moment due to the medication i'm on (they cause weight gain). However it is comforting that my weight problem is something that I know I can do something about, and that's a small comfort.

Your burning pain I think is likely caused by reflux, indigestion or heartburn. Stress causes my reflux to get worse so I think that's a more likely cause than anything heart related. Give some over the counter remedies a try and if you're still having problems ask if your doctor can recommend something.

27-12-17, 22:28
Thank you everyone it’s so lovely that you have taken the time
To reply to connect and make me feel better .. I am really appreciative for your kind words of advice .. it’s crazy that we all know it’s Stress and our minds playing games with us but so difficult to believe that even when you tell yourself it.