View Full Version : Hi everyone it's been a while!!! Weightless help

27-12-17, 20:57
Hi it's been a while !!! Hope everyone's well.since taking my 20 my of citalopram which I still on I have put on quite a bit of weight and feel I'm hungry all the time.I'm desperate to loose weight but finding it hard.has anyone tryed the skinny coffee diet ? Not sure if I can use with my citalopram ??? Has anyone tryed it ?

28-12-17, 07:28
Really no one ???

28-12-17, 18:11
So no one's struggling with weight loss ?

28-12-17, 18:34
Have a read up on low carb diet. People swear by it

28-12-17, 21:30
Oranges are good...plus other fruits of course

29-12-17, 00:52
I’ve never heard of a skinny coffee diet. But low carb has worked for me as well as weight watchers (not sure if you have that in canada?) Another option is to ask your doc to help you find the right diet plan for you.

29-12-17, 11:44
I've never heard of the skinny coffee diet, but am wondering if I accidentally did it after my divorce, when I was basically living on coffee, snacks and nerves for several months! Lost a lot of weight but not in a good way. How does it work?

I have a good friend who has struggled with her weight since her twenties (she's in her mid forties now). Long before low carb diets were really fashionable, what worked for her she said was no carbs after about 6 in the evening, and just substituting some of the earlier carbs for an extra portion of vegetables. That and moderate exercise seemed to be enough without having to make any huge changes.

29-12-17, 15:10
It's something called Skinny Coffee Club. It's a strange name since it looks like a green tea product but I guess it's about the simulated flavours? It's a nutrient boosted drink with appetite suppressants in it.

Caffeine is said to be less than coffee. And green tea is healthy. So, unless you can't handle caffeine & it's other elements it may be ok.

But it's a plan so is a lot about changing your eating and getting exercise.

I would check the ingredients (any herbals) on Drugs.com on the interaction checker just in case.

Seems like a new craze to me, like raspberry keytones, but that's not to say it can't work.

29-12-17, 15:18
This is more of a general health inquiry as opposed to an anxiety issue. I would check out health and fitness sites and do a little reading.

The bottom line is rather simple. Exercise and proper nutrition. Weight loss is a direct result of taking in less calories than your body needs and doing so in a manner that's easily manageable and feeds your body the nutrients it still needs.

Positive thoughts

11-03-18, 15:11
I I have put on a lot of weight on citalipram and it's really getting me down does anyone no if u can a supplement to help weight loss with citalipram ?

11-03-18, 15:17
Instead of a drug or suppressant, why not plain good ol' proper diet/nutrition/portion control and exercise? Things like a protein shake in between meals to fill you up as a low calorie alternative to snaking and such...

Positive thoughts

11-03-18, 15:22
Instead of a drug or suppressant, why not plain good ol' proper diet/nutrition/portion control and exercise? Things like a protein shake in between meals to fill you up as a low calorie alternative to snaking and such...

Positive thoughts

Agreed, healthy eating and excercise is a much better way to lose the weight than using pills.

11-03-18, 15:24
I have tried the shakes and they don't do anything as I still feel hungry all the time.I have changed jobs and now sit at a desk so that worse and I work full time and have kids so have very little time to exercise I jaunt want to no if people have taken them

11-03-18, 15:30
Don't dismiss the advice you've been given just because it isn't the exact answer you were looking for. Hopefully someone will come along who can give you s direct answer to your question, but the most positive thing you can do is examine your diet and get more exercise. Everybody has time to exercise. You don't have to spend hours in the gym. Even simple walking can help with weight management alongside the right diet.

Talk to your doctor, though. They'll be able to give you the best advice.

11-03-18, 15:34

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


11-03-18, 15:41
Well it's hard when you have to.to wait 4 weeks for an appointment ������

11-03-18, 16:31
Yeah, it's not ideal, but don't be so defeatist. Book an appointment tomorrow and in four weeks you'll have an appointment. Ask about cancellations.

Attitude is a key part of making progress with anxiety and with weight issues. Instead of seeing the four week wait as a problem, see it as just a four week wait. And in the meantime, get online and research some diet ideas. To be honest, you can make a great start by just cutting down on sugar, caffeine and alcohol (if you consume them), watching your portion sizes and making sure you eat fruit and vegetables.

11-03-18, 16:51
The Atkins diet will help you she'd pounds and your always full..the celexa makes crave carbohydrates..just get rid of any food that's white..and you will loose weight without going to the gym...I did I lost,18pounds I two months..and still loosing..stay away from carbohydrates ..is simple...your the one eating ..control your eating havits..

---------- Post added at 11:51 ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 ----------

And lastly appetite suppressant don't mix well with celexa..

11-03-18, 16:56
I have tried really hard for ages sometimes I hardly eat anything all day and still can't bloody loose weight it's ridiculous ������

11-03-18, 17:48
Try a keto diet..trust me you will loose weight..not eating all day is not the solution..I gain 30pounds from celexa cravings..and recently lost 18pounds..in two months..

11-03-18, 19:32
What's celexa cravings ?

11-03-18, 20:31
Cravings caused by taking Celexa (a brand name for citalopram).

11-03-18, 21:17
Citalopram has a tendency for people to crave carbohydrates to the tenth Power..

12-03-18, 00:19
What's the worst that can have if medicines clash ?

---------- Post added at 00:19 ---------- Previous post was at 00:18 ----------

I went onto NHS checker and it said they don't clash with citslopram

12-03-18, 02:26
If there are no known interactions, and it's a listed substance that you are checking (many supplements contain ingredients not recorded on drugs databases), then they should be fine as long as they state no other warnings to check out. You may have to check the ingredients though as a combined supplement with have a brand name whereas databases list substances and don't tend to care about marketing names.

I've not used the NHS checker (didn't know there was one to be honest) but I use Drugs.com for my stuff. That's a professional database too so can be trusted, as used by professionals & only updated by them.

The cravings issue differ for us all. I had no craving issues on Cit and took it for a few years. I barely put any weight on, maybe a few pounds, so nothing to do with the drug. Some people on meds like this lose weight too. It's when you get into drugs made specifically for appetite stimulation (e.g. Mirtazapine) or drugs known to affect the metabolism (such as antipsychotics) that tend to be the issue.

But I would look towards what you eat too and your exercise. You could be eating foods that aren't good at keeping you full between meals.

12-03-18, 02:39
I have tried really hard for ages sometimes I hardly eat anything all day and still can't bloody loose weight it's ridiculous ������

It doesn't work like that..

If you don't eat much at all then your body goes into survival mode and instead of burning the fat off it burns off the muscle tissue.

If your body thinks it is being starved by you not eating much then your metabolism will think "oh hang on we need that fat to keep warm and protect us to survive so I better get rid of some other tissue that is using up all the calories" .... which is your muscle tissue. so by not eating much you will lose muscle and the body will put more effort into making the calories into fat because it thinks that is what it needs for survival

12-03-18, 05:23
Yep, it breaks the muscles down into protein to access amino acids that it needs. It can't do that from fat. So it doesn't come to breaking down fat until it needs to.

Losing muscle also means you will need less calories to power existing muscle. Adding muscle means your minimum required calories increases.

Doing it via not eating won't work anyway. You will easily lose weight in water. But once the diet is over you body will adjust again and want you to rebuild it. Yo-yos tend to fail.

12-03-18, 06:23
It's so hard ������

12-03-18, 10:04
Dietery supplements from health food store all containe high levels of caffeine and other none advertise ingredients..now prescription weight loss pills are a different ball game .and only your doctor can tell you if there is interaction..

12-03-18, 11:45
I'm going to docters tomorrow so will ask .this post wasn't aimed at me starving myself as I clearly don't as I've put of weight but if people have ever taking food suppressants

12-03-18, 11:58
I'm going to docters tomorrow so will ask .this post wasn't aimed at me starving myself as I clearly don't as I've put of weight but if people have ever taking food suppressants

Ask GP what supplements you can take safely then because some can interact negatively with citalopram. Must be a few you can take though.

12-03-18, 12:32
Dietery supplements from health food store all containe high levels of caffeine and other none advertise ingredients..now prescription weight loss pills are a different ball game .and only your doctor can tell you if there is interaction..

Some do since caffeine helps with weight loss. Some will include certain ingredients that have high caffeine in them. But not all do, some use shellfish which some people may be allergic to and that stuff tends to be strong, others something else. Some just block fat or carb absorption which you don't need caffeine for. Some add loads of stuff into one blend and caffeine is usually present in there.

13-03-18, 17:50

---------- Post added at 17:50 ---------- Previous post was at 17:49 ----------

I have a weigh up between stop my citalopram or get a suppressant coz the weight gain is really getting me down

13-03-18, 21:25
Stop eating carbs ..trust me I lost 18pounds ..and still loosing .no carbohydrates ..eat meat greens no sugar no bread no pasta no potatoes..if it's white don't eat it..

13-03-18, 21:57
I don't lol its crazy I usually have my yoghurt for breakfast a shake or mug shot for dinner then salad for tea and still.can't lose ������

13-03-18, 22:11
Hi Beckie personally I would look at natural weight loss pills theres plenty of good ones out there, by using a appetite serpressant its not really any good why? Cause you aren't eating a great deal to start with the only other way is to see your dr if there's another med you could use instead Citalopram that doesn't have weight gain as one of the side effects ATB

13-03-18, 22:13
I no thanks I've booked an appointment but it's 4 weeks time ��do u no what natural ones are out there

13-03-18, 22:17
I no thanks I've booked an appointment but it's 4 weeks time ��do u no what natural ones are out there Not off the tip of my tounge (my short term memory is not good) seen them advertised on tv and you could ask your pharmacy or Holland and barrats HTH :) ATB

13-03-18, 23:23
Look up keto diet trust me you will loose weight..but you gotta be faithful to the diet..

---------- Post added at 18:20 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ----------

Yohgurt and shake have sugar ..no sugar not even from fruits....

---------- Post added at 18:23 ---------- Previous post was at 18:20 ----------

I never thought I would loose weight from this celexa cravings ..and I did...all along I thought it was the actual pill buy is not is your diet...no sugar no starchy food..no fruits.only protein..and green veggies..

14-03-18, 06:32
Thanks guys and it's causing me anxiety so it fine to post here

14-03-18, 11:13
The best thing I ever did was join Weight Watchers. By "join", I don't mean pay the money and make a feeble attempt then get mad because it's not working. By "join", I mean, learn the program, be willing to commit to change, go to the meetings, make friends, be accountable to the Weight Watchers staff for my weigh in each week, build a support system to help me continue on on the days and weeks I don't have the motivation to do it myself. Obesity, weight loss, is very complex as it has emotional, psychological components.

It is nearly impossible to lose weight and keep it off with any fad diet, or without a support system. I know there are people out there that are able to say I'll just cut back and I'll exercise more in the pounds fall off but those people are few and far between. Just look around you

14-03-18, 11:17
I was a certified personal trainer many years ago. I will reiterate what I said earlier. Proper nutrition and exercise. Low glycemic carbs and high quality proteins. Instead of 3 meals a day, you spread that out to five or six smaller meals as it keeps you full and you won't have a drop in energy. And as was said, not eating causes your body to go into starvation mode and it holds onto body fat as a defense mechanism.

As far as exercise, we're not talking about joining the gym and busting your rear 3-5 times a week. A simple 30 minute walk several times a week can be beneficial and you build it from there. There are plenty of in home exercises you can do as well. Perhaps buy a stationary bike or treadmill. Things like stationary squats, walking lunges, push ups, buy a few dumbells etc. There are SO many things you can do when you're limited due to time and life circumstances. Keep in mind, muscle burns fat and it's not what the scale says. It's muscle vs. body fat %. If you're inactive you just won't burn calories. It's just common sense and the way our bodies work. While there are meds and natural supplements that can help in supressing appetite, they alone are not the answer. Like working on your anxiety, it comes down to a conscious decision and action.

Positive thoughts

14-03-18, 11:20
I posted this on your other thread about this.

I was a certified personal trainer many years ago. I will reiterate what I said earlier. Proper nutrition and exercise. Low glycemic carbs and high quality proteins. Instead of 3 meals a day, you spread that out to five or six smaller meals as it keeps you full and you won't have a drop in energy. And as was said, not eating causes your body to go into starvation mode and it holds onto body fat as a defense mechanism.

As far as exercise, we're not talking about joining the gym and busting your rear 3-5 times a week. A simple 30 minute walk several times a week can be beneficial and you build it from there. There are plenty of in home exercises you can do as well. Perhaps buy a stationary bike or treadmill. Things like stationary squats, walking lunges, push ups, buy a few dumbells etc. There are SO many things you can do when you're limited due to time and life circumstances. Keep in mind, muscle burns fat and it's not what the scale says. It's muscle vs. body fat % and muscle burns fat. If you're inactive you just won't burn calories. It's just common sense and the way our bodies work. While there are meds and natural supplements that can help in supressing appetite, they alone are not the answer. Like working on your anxiety, it comes down to a conscious decision and action.

Positive thoughts

14-03-18, 11:55
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


15-03-18, 02:07

---------- Post added at 17:50 ---------- Previous post was at 17:49 ----------

I have a weigh up between stop my citalopram or get a suppressant coz the weight gain is really getting me down

I would think very carefully about this, Beckie. Do you feel worse for the weight or would you feel worse for the anxiety? Remember how you were before it?

Your GP could try a switch instead of a withdrawal with nothing else. That might alleviate this problem if the med is causing it.

There are plenty of things you can take on meds, it's just a matter of checking out the ingredients. High caffeines can be a problem for anxiety, not the med. But not all supplements may be compatible and some may ramp up your anxiety as they are activating. Those with a "thermogenic effect" may be a problem for the anxiety of some.

15-03-18, 09:49
The extra anxiety doesn't bother me if I take them as I can jut stop i just want to no is it safe as in what's the worst that can happen .as in am I going to die by missing the 2 if that makes sense

15-03-18, 10:25
Iam with Terry on this by taking your current pills you are supressing your appetite which isn't the answer it's not your food intake that's the problem, the weight gain is due to the citalopram they are the culprit so understand how you feel. Its back to your dr's to discuss the way forward on this :) ATB

15-03-18, 12:29
Yes the celexa does cause cravings ..but also you have to watch what you eat ..not just for a week..but change your life style eating..I gain weight also from celexa ..but guess what I lost it all by changing my eating habits..

15-03-18, 14:41
Thanks guys it continues ��

15-03-18, 15:56
How much do you weight?and how tall are you??just curious..

15-03-18, 19:10
I am 5 foot 3 and weigh 11 stone 8����put on over a stone in the last year

15-03-18, 19:33
To loose one stone ..I have faith that you can do it...I had gain 30pounds..and I lost it in three months ..the answer your looking for as far as diet pills..are too iffy..with your medicine..I wouldn't risk it..keto..will work..or Atkins..I did the Atkins...now I just control everything I eat..

20-03-18, 11:48
Great thanks lulu going to try

20-03-18, 12:09
Go to your Doctor.... the doctors will have a weight clinic, where they help you out.

28-04-18, 20:55
Thank you guys I just want to no about side effects.I don't care if they react in some way just want to make sure they don't kill me lol.hunger buddy contains no caffiene

23-05-18, 12:52
I have put on alot of weight with this medication and amitryptyline. I have tried alot of diets with no success, even the medical grapefruit diet given to pjtients before certain operations without any success. I have read alot of negative comments on the internet and am tired of reading reduce calories up the exercise, and assumptions on weightgain. 14 years ago i was put on citalorapram for trauma which resulted in extreme weightloss. The citalorapram helped me gain weight without even trying, infact i gained so much i took myself off it, and my weight stabilized. This time round same story sudden weight gain and since tapering have lost 10lbs of weight without trying in the last six months. So yes this med imho can make you gainweight.

---------- Post added at 12:52 ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 ----------

Hi again Beckie, sorry forgot to mention what I am trying now in addition to commonsense stuff. Have reduced my coffee to two maximum per day, reduced sugar and do not eat any ready meals. Am on lactose free milk, and am reading up on the waterfall diet, as have noticed these meds make me carry lots of water. Also check out the hormone diet. Let me know how you get on, will update you on the waterfall diet.

23-05-18, 13:42
It's not the cit...that makes you gain weight..it is what you are eating..I too gain weight on cit.but I lost it all by changing my eating habits..you are what you eat..

23-05-18, 14:42
Thats good that you managed to lose the weight, sadly I couldnt lose more than a couple of pounds. The doctor prescribed me weightloss tablets, and due to the meds I am on, I am scared to take them.

23-05-18, 17:25
I lost 30pounds by not eating anything white.. It

23-05-18, 18:26
That makes sense with the carbs, I avoid white carbs for dinner and fill up on vegetable carbs. But do not eat red meat, so if I avoid chicken and Turkey and white fish, and egg whites am stuck with just fish. Am doing the waterfall diet which is high protein, low carbs will see how I get on.

23-05-18, 18:31
That should work for you..just eat high protein stay away from the white carbs..you can eat all the green veggies..I had gain 40pounds on celexa now I lost 30 and still loosing..

---------- Post added at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 12:30 ----------

And iam still taking celexa..

23-05-18, 18:39
Can I ask you, what is a typical daily menu on your diet, also how much exercise are you doing? Or anything else, as am desperate to lose this weight, and its going to take me 6 months to taper off cita

23-05-18, 19:35
I have two eggs two bacon with decaffeinated coffee with wipping cream and a truvia sweetner..lunch 6ounce of a protein ..chicken fish or red meat..one tomato with olive oil and vinegar with salt.same for dinner ...only salad this time .I don't eat no rice no potatoes no pasta no bread no sweets...if I want a snack I have sugar free popsicles..

---------- Post added at 13:34 ---------- Previous post was at 13:33 ----------

And I haven't exercise..iam sure if I exercise I would of reach my goal along time ago...

---------- Post added at 13:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:34 ----------

No fruits

23-05-18, 20:44
Wow! Thats probably less than a 1000calories a day, with no sugar and white carbs. Thanks for your reply. My dinner tonight was two eggs, beans and a lacto free yoghurt. My lunch was a banana and a 100 cals of nuts. My breakfast was branflakes. I walk regularly and do daily stretching and toning exercises. Only drink alcohol at weekends, no more than a few units. Am careful due to my health issues, and it doesnt make any difference. Your right about amit though since tapering my weight is coming off with no change to my diet. I may need to look at the sugars in fruit, i love fruit.

23-05-18, 20:50
Alcohol has lots of sugar..and my calories are 1500aday..my dinners are filled with lots of greens all kinds..

23-05-18, 20:55
I also believe my weight is due to water retention too

---------- Post added at 20:55 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

Thank you so much, will increase veg, didnt have any today, not good, and will reduce my fruit which am not happy about, but do eat alot of it. Could definitely be the sugar. Will post how i get on.