View Full Version : My skin has turned YELLOW. Panicking.

28-12-17, 00:13
Hi all - I’m a 33 year old female. I weigh 100lbs. I have been in full-blown panic mode for a week now. I went to my doctors to have labs done a week and a half ago. All was good except for elevated blood sugar due to PCOS which was no surprise. That is partially why I was having labs done, to check on that. Well that night was my husband’s holiday party at work and I had about three 5 ounce glasses of wine. I rarely drink but when I do it’s a glass of wine here or there or a beer. The next night, Saturday night, we were feeling festive and opened up a bottle here at home where I had two glasses.

The next morning when I woke up and went to the bathroom, I had to do a double-take. My skin was legit yellow. Everywhere on my body is deep yellow. My eyes are still white. It has continued this way for a weeek and a half now and I am extremely depressed and panicked over it. Here’s a little background into why - two and a half years ago I had a “spot” show up on my pancreas during an abdominal ultrasound. This was the DARKEST time of my life. I immediately had a CT scan with and without contrast and it was CLEAR. 6 months later, I had a repeat ultrasound where the spot still showed but an MRI with and without contrast was COMPLETELY clear. My doctor told me I needed to let it go - that all was ok, and nothing was there. That the MRI would have caught it. That ended my 6 months of terror and I was able to let it go. I always told myself not to worry about it unless I started turning yellow. And now here we are....

Fast forward to now. I do not have a gallbladder. My labs were normal! So I do not understand for the life of me what is going on and I am TERRIFIED that spot was actually something and has developed into pancreatic cancer. If not that, did I damage my liver so bad with those few drinks that I am now jaundice?! I can’t eat, think, sleep. I’m so distraught. I can’t even play with my kids without falling apart. I was putting away the Christmas decorations today thinking I wouldn’t be here next year to set them back out. I am NOT doing well right now and finally decided to post here in hopes of finding some encouragement or support.

I have a doctors appt tomorrow but any encouragement would be appreciated because I am honestly terrified of the appt.

au Lait
28-12-17, 01:20
Your doc told you not to worry and your labs were normal. It's extremely unlikely that a few drinks would do that much damage to you. It takes years of drinking in excess to cause the kind of damage you're talking about. Sometimes I feel like I look more yellow than normal. I'm not sure what causes it. Perhaps just certain lighting. If you were truly jaundiced your gums and the whites of your eyes would be yellow as well. I think you are going to be fine.

28-12-17, 01:31
I actually haven’t seen my doctor since this all started, only went to do my labs in preparation for my upcoming visit. It was right after I had my labs done that I turned yellow. :( That’s why I’m so concerned with the appt tomorrow, I’m terrified by what doctor will say or what tests she wlll want to order. I CANT go back to that dark time in my life again. ������

28-12-17, 01:38
It takes years and years of pretty heavy drinking to damage your liver. The liver really is a remarkable organ.. I just went through every test there is on the liver with the exception of a biopsy because I am showing all the signs skin wise of late stage liver disease but my liver checks out okay. I am terrified of what might be going on with me but since they say I dont have liver disease I believe them... There are far more symptoms then just jaundice that signals your liver might be in trouble and if you have had labs recently and they checked out okay I wouldn't worry about it being my liver.
Are you certain you are jaundice and that isn't just perhaps the lighting? I think when someone is jaundice the whites of their eyes also turn yellow and they have an overall unwell feeling. As far as the spot on your pancreas goes, if both the cat scan and MRI show nothing then I would feel confident that there is nothing of concern there as those types of scans are far more superior then an ultrasound.. Sometimes they can't confirm what they are seeing.

Try not to worry, tomorrow will be here soon.

28-12-17, 01:42
No, my skin is yellow in ALL different lights. That’s what is so disturbing.

28-12-17, 01:51
Has anyone else noticed?

28-12-17, 01:59
No, but it is so obvious to me. And I keep looking at pictures of me just a few weeks ago and I am white, not yellow. :( My gums are pink and eyes are white though still.

28-12-17, 07:53
Hi there

It is a particular thing in your blood being elevated that makes your skin go yellow. This is something I went through 7 years ago convinced my skin was yellow as I do have something found on my liver. My doctor explained to me which blood would be elevated and that mine was normal therefore it was not possible for me to be yellow. Once she explained this I calmed down.

If all your bloods were normal then you are unlikely yellow. The mind plays tricks on us.

Also it is likely that someone else would notice if your skin was yellow.

Hope you get on ok at Doctor. Keep us posted .

28-12-17, 10:40
If no one else can see the yellow then its extremely likely your mind is playing tricks on you. I am not saying you are imagining it just that you are seeing what isnt actually there. Have you asked someone else if they can see yellow skin? Medically with jaundice you would have very yellow eyes. You would be incredibly itchy due to build up of bilirubin in skin and your last blood work would have shown severe abnormalities in liver results.
You need to ask a dr so they can confirm you are not actually yellow because i doubt you will believe anyone else. The power of the mind is amazing!

28-12-17, 12:51
If no one else can see the yellow then its extremely likely your mind is playing tricks on you. The power of the mind is amazing!

^^ This ^^ Perception vs. Reality.

Positive thoughts

28-12-17, 15:25
I appreciate all of the thoughtful and encouraging replies. How kind of all of you to take the time to comfort a stranger.

Unfortunately, I know my mind is NOT playing tricks on me - so I’m trying to figure out what the heck could be going on that ISN’T life-threatening. That’s the only way I can comfort myself right now until I see the doctor. I KNOW the doctor will see it and want to run tests and you all know how that goes. My bilirubin HAS to be high right now because my skin IS yellow. :( I’m in such anguish in my heart and mind.

28-12-17, 16:22
Hi all - I’m a 33 year old female. I weigh 100lbs. I have been in full-blown panic mode for a week now. I went to my doctors to have labs done a week and a half ago. All was good except for elevated blood sugar due to PCOS which was no surprise. That is partially why I was having labs done, to check on that. Well that night was my husband’s holiday party at work and I had about three 5 ounce glasses of wine. I rarely drink but when I do it’s a glass of wine here or there or a beer. The next night, Saturday night, we were feeling festive and opened up a bottle here at home where I had two glasses.

The next morning when I woke up and went to the bathroom, I had to do a double-take. My skin was legit yellow. Everywhere on my body is deep yellow. My eyes are still white. It has continued this way for a weeek and a half now and I am extremely depressed and panicked over it. Here’s a little background into why - two and a half years ago I had a “spot” show up on my pancreas during an abdominal ultrasound. This was the DARKEST time of my life. I immediately had a CT scan with and without contrast and it was CLEAR. 6 months later, I had a repeat ultrasound where the spot still showed but an MRI with and without contrast was COMPLETELY clear. My doctor told me I needed to let it go - that all was ok, and nothing was there. That the MRI would have caught it. That ended my 6 months of terror and I was able to let it go. I always told myself not to worry about it unless I started turning yellow. And now here we are....

Fast forward to now. I do not have a gallbladder. My labs were normal! So I do not understand for the life of me what is going on and I am TERRIFIED that spot was actually something and has developed into pancreatic cancer. If not that, did I damage my liver so bad with those few drinks that I am now jaundice?! I can’t eat, think, sleep. I’m so distraught. I can’t even play with my kids without falling apart. I was putting away the Christmas decorations today thinking I wouldn’t be here next year to set them back out. I am NOT doing well right now and finally decided to post here in hopes of finding some encouragement or support.

I have a doctors appt tomorrow but any encouragement would be appreciated because I am honestly terrified of the appt.

I think the most interesting clue in your story is at the end here - the fact that you have removed your gallbladder. It is extremely normcal with side effects after such surgeries and many of those side effects mimmick the symptoms of pancreatic cancer - but you will not die from it. In fact; very very often, extremely often does those who write on Internet forums that they fear pancreatic cancer have a history of a removed gallbladder, in fact; I will guess at least 50% of them. Because the symtpoms of side effect of the surgery is quite similar to those of PC - and YES, jaundice is one of them. In fact:

So it could be post-cholecystectomy syndrome or it could be your mind playing tricks on you. But it is not likely to be PC. You are too young.

I hope this helps. But seek out help and wish for best of luck and happy new year.

28-12-17, 16:34
Paranoidviking, thank you so much for that. I never actually had gallstones - I had a semi-low-functioning gallbladder - not even sure I should have had it taken out. Is it still possible for that to happen even when I never had gallstones?

I appreciate so much all of these replies. I’m in the waiting room at the doctor’s office and am just trying to stay calm so I don’t come off as a total loon to my doctor. :(

28-12-17, 17:26
more times then not ultrasound does not get a good enough look at the pancreas.

WHERE is your basis for such an claim? It is opinions like this that cause my fear of pancreatic cancer not to let go. I had abdo ultrsound of the stomach and the pancreas was clear they said. My GP and the ultrasound doctor reassured me that testing with ultrasound are quite good and that they WOULD have noticed if something was wrong with the pancreas. But of course when you google you find nightmare stories about ultrsound or even CT not picking up anything on the pancreas and it was cancer. Of coursemisdiagnosis happen but how common is it? What they told me is that ultrasound would not always confirm cancer but that they will see SOMETHING if there is cancer in an area and then CT will be next step.
So do you have sources and links to your claim that ultrasound is so unreliable. Nightmare stories online from the media or awareness campiagns does not count. Media focus typically on nightmare stories, not on the majority cases. Hard facts and statistics only. So my GP and the ultrsound doctor were just lying to me then?
No wonder my fear of PC will never let go when such claims are spread even here.

---------- Post added at 18:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:23 ----------

Paranoidviking, thank you so much for that. I never actually had gallstones - I had a semi-low-functioning gallbladder - not even sure I should have had it taken out. Is it still possible for that to happen even when I never had gallstones?

Well, I dont know, I am not a doctor but the webpage just stated after removal, not causes of removal.

28-12-17, 17:46
oh Goodness, I am so sorry that my thread caused anxiety in someone else. NOT my intentions or goal at ALL! :(

28-12-17, 17:50
I actually know someone who has just gone through treatment for pancreatic cancer and consistently her bloods were completely out of whack. If it was that I'm certain it would show up in your bloods. This girl is thankfully now in remission.

28-12-17, 17:57
I think that the above poster as meaning sort of what my doctors told me - that yes it would show something on the pancreas if it was there but wouldn’t be able to confirm. In my case, who knows what was spotted - could be a blood vessel, a piece of fat, etc, but upon further investigation with an MRI AND CAT scan, my pancreas was clear - so in that instance - MRI and CT ruled out it actually being anything. Make sense? If you ultrasound was clear, you are fine. But yes, I understand because for the last few days I have been reading posts on this site that sent me into quite a tizzy when I came here for comfort!!!! Hugs to you.

28-12-17, 18:04
So what did the doctor say? Did she think you were yellow?

28-12-17, 18:11
She did basically say that what I look like is not the type of yellow that she sees with jaundice. Not at all. But she is doing liver function labs, pancreatic enzyme labs, b12, bilirubin, all of that. She said it could def be that the alcohol I drank was too much for me. That I am sensitive to it and I am small, so can’t have as much. She said I didn’t do any irreversible damage but to just try to cleanse my liver and if bloodwork comes back elevated then we’ll do an ultrasound of liver to make sure there’s no hemangioma there (not cancerous, just a collection of blood vessels) that can sometimes cause a sort of “clogged artery” effect in the liver. So we will see. She said she hopes to have the results back by tomorrow. I am immensely relieved but still cautious and nervous at the same time!! Thank you all SO much for your support, friends.

---------- Post added at 12:11 ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 ----------

She also gave me a b12 shot to see if that helps a bit since b12 deficiency can cause yellowed skin.

28-12-17, 18:26
[/COLOR]She also gave me a b12 shot to see if that helps a bit since b12 deficiency can cause yellowed skin.

That is very interesting cause I have B12 defiency and sometimes think I have a yellow tinge here and there.

28-12-17, 18:30
She did basically say that what I look like is not the type of yellow that she sees with jaundice. Not at all. But she is doing liver function labs, pancreatic enzyme labs, b12, bilirubin, all of that. She said it could def be that the alcohol I drank was too much for me. That I am sensitive to it and I am small, so can’t have as much. She said I didn’t do any irreversible damage but to just try to cleanse my liver and if bloodwork comes back elevated then we’ll do an ultrasound of liver to make sure there’s no hemangioma there (not cancerous, just a collection of blood vessels) that can sometimes cause a sort of “clogged artery” effect in the liver. So we will see. She said she hopes to have the results back by tomorrow. I am immensely relieved but still cautious and nervous at the same time!! Thank you all SO much for your support, friends.

---------- Post added at 12:11 ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 ----------

She also gave me a b12 shot to see if that helps a bit since b12 deficiency can cause yellowed skin.

So you look a bit sallow, not jaundiced. Good news.

28-12-17, 18:30
I think that the above poster as meaning sort of what my doctors told me - that yes it would show something on the pancreas if it was there but wouldn’t be able to confirm. In my case, who knows what was spotted - could be a blood vessel, a piece of fat, etc, but upon further investigation with an MRI AND CAT scan, my pancreas was clear - so in that instance - MRI and CT ruled out it actually being anything. Make sense? If you ultrasound was clear, you are fine. But yes, I understand because for the last few days I have been reading posts on this site that sent me into quite a tizzy when I came here for comfort!!!! Hugs to you.

Your post is not the most frightening, but some of the replies here I think. Like for excample someone who just had to mention that (s)he knows someone very young, in the 20s with pancreatic cancer - not excactly reassuring for someone whose been told that one is too young to have it - and I still say you are; I mean such cases exists, but they are sub-mariginal - like one in several millions - but just hearing about it is quite triggering for many. It is quite frightening to be reminded of such a fact - why not just mention they know someone with it without rubbing in the age of the victim?
Reassuring it is not - that is for sure!

28-12-17, 18:40
I wasn't rubbing anything in, it's just a fact, I was explaining to the OP that this person's bloods were very out of whack. Getting a disease like pancreatic cancer at a young age is incredibly unusual, but why not take from my post the fact that the person in question has actually gone into remission and beaten this illness?

28-12-17, 19:22
I wasn't rubbing anything in, it's just a fact, I was explaining to the OP that this person's bloods were very out of whack. Getting a disease like pancreatic cancer at a young age is incredibly unusual, but why not take from my post the fact that the person in question has actually gone into remission and beaten this illness?

Of course it is good to hear that the cancer is in remission and we must all hope ot will not come back. Please dont read me wrong.

28-12-17, 19:26
I said the MRI and cat scan she had were better then the ultrasound that said she had the spot because sometimes the techs see something on pancreas but in some cases cant confirm what it is. She said both her cat scan and MRI showed no spot or anything of concern and so I said that's a good thing as they are far better scans then an ultrasound at identifying things. If there is something to be seen ultrasound will pick it up but they can't always confirm what they are seeing which is why they follow up with better and more expensive scans, so they can get a better look. If someone has an ultrasound and it shows nothing then there is nothing there and there is no need for them to follow up with other scans.. So, if you have a clear ultrasound there is nothing of concern but just because ultrasound sees a spot does not mean it's something of concern. It can be ANYTHING and sometimes upon further investigation there is nothing there at all... Make sense?? I would think if anything it's reassuring...

28-12-17, 19:27
Paranoid, I can see thinking about it how the age of the person could trigger your anxiety. It wasn't intended that way and I know you can't unread it now but I will edit my post to avoid the same thing happening to someone else. Please remember this is incredibly unusual.

28-12-17, 19:49
Glad to hear you saw the Dr and she isn't concerned. This is excellent news :hugs:...

28-12-17, 19:57
So you look a bit sallow, not jaundiced. Good news.

Yep... two completely different things :)

Positive thoughts

28-12-17, 22:35
I have seen someone with liver failure, and the yellow is something EVERYONE noticed. I mean, it was like the color of a dark canary. People would stare at him, it was so obvious. If others don't see it, I strongly suspect it is your panicked perception. I have been there. When you percieive it, it is real. VERY real. No matter what others say, it is real to us. And I am not saying that you shouldn't get checked out, and that it isn't real, but you just had clean labs. If you were having serious lover issues, there would be more going on than yellow skin. The guy I mentioned felt very bad.

29-12-17, 00:02
About B12 defiency; yes that causes paler skin. Not yellow, but pale. But pale skin can sometimes look yellowish; like in reflection from light. For excample; if you have the light on at a mirror near a yellow wall for excample; I experienced this and I did look yellowish. But as someone says here; you would probably look like someone from The Simpsons if you had jaundice and people would notice that. So I guess you got paler skin from B12 defiency and that it can somehow make you look yellowish, but not jaundice-yellowish.

29-12-17, 00:30
I am so thankful for this community. I’m still not fully okay with this - still have great anxiety over waiting for this next set of bloodwork to come back and what that could mean for next steps, but you all got me through last night and this morning and I can’t thank you enough. I was literally having a panic attack waiting for the doctor to come in and just reading through this thread calmed me. We can never underestimate the power of the support here. Hugs to you all from Baton Rouge, LA.

29-12-17, 00:43
I work with a guy that was an alcoholic for 25+ years. He did irreparable damage to his liver. Prior to and during his detox, he was yellow. Like there was no question something was up, he was that yellow. And his eyes were SUPER yellow. In my own (nonprofessional) opinion, if you had jaundice happening, it would absolutely be noticeable to those around you.

I think it’s great news that the doc doesn’t seem concerned. Hopefully the test results will help reassure your mind that nothing is going on :D

au Lait
29-12-17, 01:18
It sounds like you’re feeling a bit better compared to yesterday. That’s good! Just take it one step at a time and before you know it this episode of anxiety will have passed and you’ll be feeling like yourself again.

30-12-17, 16:45
Y’all, I’m starting to panic again. Typical, after mild reassurance from the doctor, we come home and our minds start racing again. I know she said I didn’t look the type of yellow she sees with jaundice, but then my mind starts racing and I think “well, did ppl with pancreatic cancer get a little yellow at first and then got worse and worse???” I’m starting to lose it again. Unfortunately I didn’t get my bloodwork back yesterday so now it won’t be until Tuesday because of the holidays. I went out with my 5 year old yesterday and took him to get a haircut - I sat in one of the stylists chairs next to him and looked in the mirror and I looked GOLDEN!!! Then we went to Target and it didn’t look as bad. Point is, something is extremely different about my skin color. I’m also having indigestion, diarrhea, pain under right rib, burping after meals, etc. I’m worried I have a blocked bile duct from a tumor or something :( :( :(

Help again, please. I’m spiraling again. :( :( :(

31-12-17, 15:56

31-12-17, 17:24
Jaundice wouldn't look "as bad" just as you were somewhere else. Do you really think the doctor would have let you go without further tests? Or not referred you if you were "golden"

Also, as far as I'm aware, pancreas issues present on the left and centre of your abdomen , not the right. You're looking for issues rather than focusing on the real problem

31-12-17, 17:43
She did order further tests - that’s what I’m waiting on :/

31-12-17, 18:47
sat in one of the stylists chairs next to him and looked in the mirror and I looked GOLDEN!!! Then we went to Target and it didn’t look as bad.

That'll be lighting then. Jaundice is unmistakable, as your doctor told you. It doesn't disappear in different lighting.

Not sure what anyone can say to help you here as reassurance clearly isn't working for you - not from your doctor and not from anyone who has posted here. It sounds like your doctor is trying to give you peace of mind by running additional tests. It's routine to run bloods whenever a patient expresses concern, but I think you had bloods done already just weeks ago that were fine? That would make these unnecessary really as your doctor already told you that you aren't jaundiced. The other symptoms like your stomach issues - just sound like anxiety since because you aren't jaundiced there is absolutely no reason to assume that these have anything to do with your pancreas or liver. You're young, healthy and not remotely a hazardous drinker.

Please take it from someone living with liver damage from alcoholism, who has been in hospital with other patients suffering from pancreatitis in both forms and liver conditions, there is nothing wrong with you based on any of the perceived symptoms that you describe.

Chris 614
31-12-17, 20:48
My dad had pancreatic cancer. He was never any shade of yellow.

31-12-17, 21:12
My dad had pancreatic cancer. He was never any shade of yellow.

And what has that information got to do with the OP's post, her symptoms and fears exactly?

31-12-17, 21:52
And what has that information got to do with the OP's post, her symptoms and fears exactly?

She fears pancreatic cancer. Did you read her original post?

31-12-17, 22:44
My sweet sweet doctor ON A SUNDAY and a HOLIDAY, just sent me my labs and everything is perfect and normal!!!! My liver enzymes and bilirubin are even LOWER now than before when I didn’t look yellow. Thank you all SO very much. This is the best New Year’s gift I could receive!!!!

31-12-17, 22:47
She fears pancreatic cancer. Did you read her original post?

Hi Mel, yes I read and replied previously. I'm probably over-thinking it (or just getting it wrong) but I worry how a poster who has had a doctor calm her fears over liver or pancreatic issues by confirming that she does not have jaundice (her fear is focused on the conviction that she's turned yellow), will react to being told, "I know someone who had PC and that wasn't even a symptom". The OP has other symptoms she's worried about, which don't sound concerning to me, but I know she's in a spiral so I'd hope that her fear doesn't then move on to those symptoms (hope that makes sense).

---------- Post added at 22:47 ---------- Previous post was at 22:47 ----------

My sweet sweet doctor ON A SUNDAY and a HOLIDAY, just sent me my labs and everything is perfect and normal!!!! My liver enzymes and bilirubin are even LOWER now than before when I didn’t look yellow. Thank you all SO very much. This is the best New Year’s gift I could receive!!!!

Aww that is great news. Enjoy the celebrations.

01-01-18, 01:18
i took that comment to mean that just because your skin is yellow it doesn’t mean you have PC because not everyone with PC turns yellow. It’s kind of like saying that just because you have a bad headache it doesn’t mean that you have a brain tumour because headaches aren’t an initial symptom of brain tumours. A comment that I have made here many times when attempting to offer reassurance.

Bmom, you have a wonderful doctor. They can be hard to find so you are very lucky. :)

Chris 614
01-01-18, 02:07
Here is what the OP wrote, "and I think “well, did ppl with pancreatic cancer get a little yellow at first and then got worse and worse???” I’m starting to lose it again." And my response was directed at that. Period. She was concerned that her being yellow, or what she perceived as yellow, was possibly a prerequisite to pancreatic cancer. This does NOT mean that everyone who is NOT yellow might have pancreatic cancer!