View Full Version : Anxiety, situational? help needed

28-12-17, 14:03
Hi all I'm new here so hopefully I'm in the right place.

So I'm wondering if I have some form of anxiety. I feel as if I'm constantly being judged by everyone. I'm generally a negative person and don't really have any friends. I don't have any hobbies either as everything always eventually winds me up, I have a short temper most of the time.

I struggle to communicate, I'll stay quiet until I'm spoken to and when I do speak most of the time I feel uncomfortable.

I tried to do driving although once I was in the mock tests I was really sweaty, shakey and had a dry mouth. I also experience the same symtoms in job interviews. I definatley lack confidence.

I have been diagnosed with tourettes disorder and OCD around 7 years ago.

This next year I want to complete my driving and get my self sorted confidence wise but I don't know where to start. I have seen about changing negative thoughts into positive ones but that seems a little far fetched.As soon as I try some 'technique' I feel stupid and I stop.

Where do I start?

28-12-17, 15:02

nice to meet you! I wonder what age range you are in?

I don't know a huge amount about Tourettes but I know it can certainly be associated (pretty understandably) with anxiety. Were you offered any help when you were diagnosed?

OCD is a bit of a vicious circle. It can be caused by anxiety and then it can feed off it, as far as I know (Obviously, I'm not a doctor!)

I can tell you from decades of Life that it is indeed possible to change negative thoughts for positive ones, but it sounds as though you could do with a little help with that. CBT works well for some people, other methods for others.

Maybe find a forum for people with Tourettes (if you haven't already) and wait for some better answers than mine on here! :)

Best wishes, Gill

28-12-17, 16:11

Thanks for your reply. Im a 29 year old male. I was diagnosed with TS in 2010 and OCD in 2011.

With the TS I was prescribed the anti-epileptic haloperidol which surpressed symptoms for a few days or so and then stopped being effective. The doctor then moved me on to the anti-psychotic cloneazepam which again worked for a few days then just knocked me right out.

Im trying cbd for the TS which I think may be working to make the symptoms more subtle (although still there and noticable) but obviously not doing anything for the anxiety/confidence issues.