View Full Version : Cancer??

28-12-17, 17:02
I feel pain in my armpit, left breast and tense/soreness in throat sometimes.. I'm worried about cancer in all of those.. I don't really feel anything when i touch the places but i'm not sure. I don't understand why my throat feels tense and sore (on the outside, not sore to touch) and why my my armpit and left breast hurt sometimes. Maybe it's all connected and it's cancer?

I'm 28 year old male btw

28-12-17, 18:21
Hmmm....I get those pains, but I am a woman. I think estrogen might be involved.

In your case, I don't think you need to jump to cancer. BUt, it is worth checking out as your hormonal levels might be high or low. Maybe the answer is as simple as that.