View Full Version : penis shaft lump

28-12-17, 20:30
I've had this tiny, hard not moveable lump on my penis shaft on the left side for 8 months now!! im so ****ing scared that i don't know what to do anymore!! the lump appears as soon as i start touching/massaging the area where it's at... the doctor felt for it once but couldn't find it, anyone help please�� what can this be? (im only 16 years old)

28-12-17, 20:48
Could be a lipoma.

The fact it hasn't grown in 8 months is proof enough it isn't serious!

28-12-17, 21:06
as i see a lipoma is more soft to touch, and moveable. mine is stuck there and hard

28-12-17, 21:23
I'm not one for paid reassurance but no one can answer that here. If you're that concerned, see your doctor.

The doctor told me that instead of me googling shit i should come to him and get a overlook over the symptoms instead of me going around fearing

Positive thoughts