View Full Version : Anxiety and nausea driving me insane!!

29-12-17, 14:37
Hi everyone, so basically for about a year now I have been suffering with IBS. It actually all started last December when I had the norovirus and was vomiting a lot due to it. After that for months on end I was having unexplained stomach pains with intense nausea which just kept coming back and at this point was having this issue daily. It caused me to really struggle to get through college as everyday I was having panic attacks with nausea being the symptom I noticed the most.

Anyway back to why I'm here and even though I have managed to get over the panic attack side of it at college, I still suffer with bad anxiety in regards of vomiting. I'm not entirely sure if its a phobia or not but whenever I start to feel sick I start worrying excessively that I'm gonna vomit. Its now even got to the point where if I had a dish with meat in then I start to worry afterwards if it seemed cold or a little undercooked.

If a few hours later I felt sick then I would dwell on a thought such as why did I eat that for, or even if I'm not experiencing any symptoms yet sometimes I would say to myself I know its going to make me sick as it was probably contaminated, this would then make me look on google which further makes me feel worse! A good example of this is last week at work when I went into the canteen they ordered pizza in as a xmas treat for everyone so had a slice but because it was cold and had chicken on, my brain wouldn't stop making me think that it probably was contaminated and now I will get food poisoning. Sorry if its long to read and sorry if I'm being silly with all this worrying lol. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks