View Full Version : Gastritis?

29-12-17, 18:36
I've had a rough few months. In July I finally admitted to myself I was sexually abused when I was 14. I have been binge drinking on and off since then. Started therapy in November and slowly drank less and less but then discovered my fiancée had been lying about a number of things so chucked him out before Christmas. Heavy drinking resumed. I also swallowed my sertraline without water a few days before Christmas. It got stuck and I was in absolute agony until I vomited very heavily.

For the past few days I've been nauseous , sick a few times, cramps, back pain, diarrhoea and the top part of my abdomen is boiling hot to touch. I feel like I've done some serious damage and cross with myself due to the alcohol. I do have stress related ibs too but it's gone on for longer and a different kind of pain.

I'm at my parents until next Tuesday so not registered doctor nearby. Any words of reassurance would be great :(

29-12-17, 18:41
I'm sorry you're struggling :( I don't know what I can say as reassuring you for self-destructive behavior isn't warranted. All I can say is stop drinking and allow your body to calm down.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

29-12-17, 18:48
I dont really understand here. Are you worried about getting or having gastritis? That is a very common condition that people LIVES with, not dying from. Unpleasant, yes, and often uncomfortable, but yes common. I probably havie it. I wish that is what I have and not something more dangerous. If that is what you fear you are fearing less worse things than me.
I dont think alcohol use/abuse causes gastritis, but it certainly makes it worse so of you fear you have it maybe not drinking alcohol would be a good advice.

29-12-17, 19:03
I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering at the moment.

Whether it is gastritis or not, I would say that alcohol consumption is definitely making things worse so I would try to stop drinking if I was you. Give yourself a week or so off the drink and I bet you feel better.

Hoping you feel better soon.