View Full Version : List of Illnesses You Thought You've Had in 2017

29-12-17, 19:30
Here's mine..

Throat Cancer
Brain Tumour
Brain Haemorrhage
Rib Bone Cancer
Lung Cancer
Heart Disease
Gallbladder Disease
Bowel Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Liver Cancer

I don't know how I'm still alive!

29-12-17, 19:37
ALS (limb onset)
brain tumour
Breast cancer
Bowel cancer
Stomach cancer
Throat cancer
ALS (bulbar onset)
Lung cancer
Kidney cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Uterine cancer

And to that I’ll add tests I’ve had (this year alone):
Breast ultrasound
Breast MRI
Lung CT scan
Abdominal ultrasound
Pelvic ultrasound
Neurological assessment
Numerous blood tests

Boy - looking at that list - I see I REALLY have a problem !!

29-12-17, 19:42

Miscarriage (if that counts? And I was right)
Partial molar pregnancy (wrong)
Choriocarcinoma (wrong, but could still happen)
Placental site tumour (no signs yet, but could still happen)
Stomach / lung mets (wrong)
Diverticulitis (wrong)
Lymphoma (wrong)
Kidney infection (wrong)
Retained placenta accreta (still think this is distinct possibility)
Cervical cancer (jury's out)

29-12-17, 19:44
I think listing all the things I thought I had wrong with me in this past year (and still ongoing) would depress me so i'll just say:




29-12-17, 19:47
Eye cancer
Kidney cancer
Bladder cancer
Anal cancer
Bowl cancer
Mutiple sclerosis

Bit embarrassed really what have i become.

29-12-17, 19:48

Started the year out with
lung cancer- I developed persistent cough
xray was clear but one month later
cough was back and I had elevated d-dimer
CT for suspected lung clot which I just KNEW would show lung cancer was clear for cancer and clot.
Then came sarcoma
Persistent lump in toe showed benign
Switched to melanoma
Spot was a basal cell carcinoma
Soft tissue lump in toe grew back...cue sarcoma frenzy
Sarcoma imaging suggested no sarcoma
Persistent cough resurged AGAIN during the month long testing on the toe
Was sure it was lung cancer
Xray showed up clear, cough now controlled with the right asthma meds
Routine mammogram brought my thoughts to breast cancer but it was clear (that was a half-hearted fear)
Upcoming skin check has me worrying about basal cell carcinoma again
Oh and I should not forget about my zoonotic fears which have focused on raccoon roundworm, hantavirus, and rabies.

Fun year, no?

29-12-17, 19:48
Heart disease
Congenital Heart Failure
Heart Attack
Brain cancer
Detached retina
MS (more recent due to some back tingling)
Cervical cancer
Ovarian cancer
Stomach cancer
Bladder cancer
Kidney failure
Kidney disease/cancer
Colon Cancer
Burst ovarian cyst
Twisted ovarian cyst

29-12-17, 19:51
Brian tumour
Ovarian cancer
Chronic fatigue syndrome
And now Breast cancer

29-12-17, 19:56
Bowel Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Unfound Congenital Heart Defect
Testicular Cancer (several times throughout the year)
ALS (This was an especially bad concern in the summer)
Bladder cancer
Penile cancer
Lung Cancer
Throat Cancer
And currently, stomach cancer.

I must admit, though, I'm quite proud of myself as I only visited the doctor for two of them.

29-12-17, 20:02
Pancreatic cancer
Liver cirrhosis

29-12-17, 20:11
Bowel Cancer
Skin Cancer
Brain Tumour

Prob some more but I can't think!

29-12-17, 20:15
Lung Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Bowel Cancer
Skin Cancer

...I think that's about it.

29-12-17, 20:29
anus cancer
cervical cancer
skin cancer
Brain tumour

29-12-17, 20:33
This thread is similar to many in the past. The common denominator is no one was right.

Positive thoughts

29-12-17, 20:35
testicle cancer, eye cancer, blood cancers, bowel cancer, lots of other cancers. I got that a broke a filling of my tooth over Christmas. I glad I dont have a book of the A-z of health conditions the 22 volume series.

29-12-17, 20:36
Too true FMP. I blame the digital age for it. I know for a fact I wouldn't have health anxiety if it wasn't for the internet.

Media doesn't help either. Too many times you see stories in newspapers with stupid bold headlines such as "My doctor misdiagnosed me and now i'm going to die"

It's no wonder the Health Anxiety board is the most commonly posted and viewed on the forum.

29-12-17, 21:27
Throat cancer - turns out I have acid reflux
Aneurism - i have had a migraine
Minor salivary gland tumor - turned out it was an overused muscle because I eat on that side more
Lymphoma - I have two minor nodes in the back of my neck swollen a bit (they are no more than 0.5cm LONG axis) and I have virus bronchitis with cough. 2 doctors have said they are reactive and not even really enlarged, just palpable. They won't even refer me to ultrasound. My husband also have one node exactly in same location. And my nodes are already a little smaller now but I am still scared.
Leukemia - since becoming pregnant (the same day i found out) i've had petechiae on my arms several times since then. Apparently I read they can be caused by leukemia (and plus my neck nodes!) They can also be caused by my changing hormone levels from my pregnancy but It wouldn't be me if I wasnt worried. Doctor said they were just a rash from my stress and anxiety. Finally I've had my full blood count done because of my pregnancy and it was totally fine. No leukemia, of course.
I've also diagnosed myself with cytomegolovirus and toxoplasmosis because they can also cause this.
Due to lymphoma and leukemia fears I had pain under my right ribcage and thought I had a swollen lymph in my spleen (i read that). But fortunately I didn't know that spleen is on the left side. Internist checked me and said that the pain was caused by a pinched nerve in my ribs. And that i must have been laying down inappropriately which I did.

For now I have accepted that maybe just maybe my nodes in neck are fine and from my virus.

I am pregnant and very very stressed and depressed due to my health anxiety.

29-12-17, 21:31
Cancers : pancreatic, liver, colon, small intestine, lung, pancoast, spinal, stomach

Others : MS, aortic aneurysm, gallstones, Crohns, gout, Lyme (which started everything off)

What I have/had : IBS, adhesions, trapped nerve and herniated disk, bilateral inguinal hernia. And obviously HA

29-12-17, 22:11
My health anxiety has only been cancers. In the past one year I've worried about:

Colon cancer
Ovarian cancer
Cervical cancer
Bladder cancer
Kidney cancer
Germ cell tumor (I was pregnant)
Pancreatic cancer
Throat cancer
Esophageal cancer
Stomach cancer (current one and very fixated)

Tests I've had:
8 ultrasounds throughout
H Pylori test
Blood tests probably 20 plus times
2 flexible sigmoidoscopies
2 colonoscopies
2 endoscopes
Abdominal/pelvic MRI
Chest CT scan
Double contrast barium test

I've continued to be wrong each time, yet it's wild that I'm still fearing stomach cancer.

I did notice stomach and bowel to be a trend with most people. Probably because these areas are so sensitive and so many people have issues with them.

29-12-17, 22:22
I can't believe all of the tests people are having. I avoid the doctor and any tests, I'd rather die from a horrible illness without knowing about it rather than going through nerve shredding tests and then horrible treatment.

29-12-17, 22:30

Thorat cancer

Lung cancer

Bone cancer

Brain cancer (still down that rabbit hole going into 2018)

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30-12-17, 00:25
Throat Cancer
Lung Cancer
Mouth Cancer
Skin Cancer
Brain Tumour
Liver Cancer
Heart Disease
Multiple Tumours
Esophageal Cancer

I'm sure I'm forgetting some />.>/ Heres to hopefully less next year for us all :D

30-12-17, 01:25
Not 2017 but 2016 -

Brian Tumour
Bikini Line Cancer (is that even a thing?!)
Skin Cancer
Spine Cancer
Heart Attack
Lung Cancer
Eye Tumour
Breast Cancer
Colon Cancer
Mouth Cancer
Throat Cancer

The list was endless, thankfully I recovered this year :)

30-12-17, 02:18
Bulbar ALS. And it freaks me out that I don't follow the typical HA pattern of leaping from illness to illness with abandon like everyone else

30-12-17, 02:52
Bulbar ALS. And it freaks me out that I don't follow the typical HA pattern of leaping from illness to illness with abandon like everyone else

If it helps, if you consider it within OCD I can point to plenty of members who have primary themes who don't jump around from one to another, they are just on the OCD board and some are health related e.g. Schizophrenia.

There are lots of disorders that fit under the sufferers created HA label and some require multiple different illness worries whereas others are about one system in the body.

What you see here doesn't reflect the literature. For instance, the OP just mentioned how hard going for tests would be for him but the common process is test & doctor chasing. But there are a smaller number of current posters I've seen over the last couple of years who fear going for tests.

---------- Post added at 02:52 ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 ----------

Just to add, can everyone see how many illnesses people have feared and how the odds against having anywhere near that many are astronomical?

Each failure to get what you fear becomes counter evidence the next time and it's important to identify those sane patterns of thoughts & behaviours to work on acceptance that this is just another one of those popping up with no more evidence than all the previous times. The more you reduce the negative reactions, the less they bother you when the next one pops up in your mind.

30-12-17, 02:52
Yep, I'm one of them. Very avoidant at the moment.

30-12-17, 02:57
It may even help professionals sort sufferers into the correct buckets.

Going anywhere near a doctor was very hard for me. No HA in my case but because of my GAD and hating being under pressure or inside somewhere feeling the need for escape.

So, I expect such a complication may even be due to tendencies from another form of anxiety disorder or a comorbidity.

Some fear the waiting or the result. Others hate that but need the reassurance. I guess it depends on your negative behaviours and how skewed they are? Just like a load of twisty dials on a device, everyone has their differences.

30-12-17, 03:42
I've never been a test-chaser. In fact, I have a genetic condition (so far, asymptomatic) that I really should be having extensive lung and liver testing for, at least annually. So far, I've not had one recommended test :(

30-12-17, 16:41
tests had ultrasound on testicles still cysts.

mri brain scan, not because of my health anxiety but to montior my thing on my brain (not cancerous) but I am worried I have brain tumours with my head pain/feeling, leg pain and stomach pain and back of neck pain. worried about feeling sick but noyt being sick this could be a symptom of brain tumours

30-12-17, 18:09
I have had...
Brain cancer
Heart attack
Ovarian cancer
this year.

30-12-17, 18:32
This year:
Pancreatic cancer
Brain tumour (currently)

30-12-17, 23:26
I came into the year convinced I had ALS. Mostly recovered atm, although I have the odd blip.

This year I have discovered conditions that I DO have as diagnosed by either my DR or my Neurologist.

- Thoracic Scoliosis
- Underactive Thyroid
- Chiari Malformation
- Reduced flexibility of the neck
- Eustachian Tube Dysfunction with negative pressure
- Cluster Headaches/Chronic tension headaches

I currently have enlarged lymph nodes in my neck. It’s not a phobia of mine, but I am having an ultrasound done in a few days as ordered by my GP.

My issues pretty much all surround my head and neck. Mostly caused by the scoliosis. I will also soon be tested for Ehler Danlos Syndrome which could quite possibly link all of my issues together.

The only testing I’ve had this year are routine blood tests, physio appointments and a few X-rays. Ah and a breast ultrasound to check out a lump. Brain MRI was Dec last year. Ultrasound will be 2018.

31-12-17, 13:02
Fun list! Despite of what my HA told me I did not have:



Heart attack

Breast cancer

Ovarian cancer

Stomach cancer

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31-12-17, 16:43
Heart conditions
Liver disease
Breast cancer
Brain aneurism
Mouth cancer - this was a big one for like 2 months straight
Bowel cancer
Bowel obstruction
Gum disease
Lung diseases
Skin cancer
Autoimmune hives
Food allergies
Medicinal allergies

And it's not unusual for me to have many of these fears concurrently.

31-12-17, 20:09
This is nearly scary to read. Because every single one of those illnesses we thought we had we actually "believed" we had them.
I'm not going to go through my list but it's been so loooooooooong!!!!!!!
And I've had many of them at the same time as well.

I just want to wish you all a happy and healthy 2018 and hopefully at least some of us will make progress, or maybe even kick HA in the butt, for ever.

Happy New Year everyone and here's hoping 2018 will be kinder to us all :)

31-12-17, 22:22
Various infections ranging in degree of severity, multiple cancers, heart attack, brain haemorrhage, schizophrenia, early onset Alzheimer’s, flu, stroke...
The only thing I was right about was a UTI!

31-12-17, 22:40
Ok so......

Skin cancer
Sepsis from infections I didn’t know I had
Blood clot
Brain aneurysm
Brain tumour
Some things or everything regarding my heart
Breast cancer
Bowel cancer

Only thing I’ve fount out is I’ve got ibs and also a really stubborn ear infection that refuses to leave me alone.

01-01-18, 00:43
bowel cancer
ovarian cancer
pancreatic cancer
brain aneurysm
necrotising fasciitis
heart attack

and more i cant even remember. :huh: and im still thinking about lymphoma. :shrug:

18-02-18, 04:54
Ovarian cancer
Epitheloid sarcoma
Some kind of head sarcoma
The list probably goes on..

18-02-18, 16:57
Melanoma on like 5 locations
Throat Cancer

18-02-18, 18:32
I spent most of the year having treatment for my real disease I had surgery and an ileostomy this year from Crohn's, have open wound still since May because part of my incision opened, diagmosed woth gastroparesis and was in hospital 62 days)


Gallbladder attack, pancreatitis, liver disease (my upper gi pain and other symptoms turned out to be gastroparesis), skin cancer

Tests 2017 :
Abdominal and pelvic CT scan (to check out wound)
Abdominal CT angiography (to check bloodflow to stomach SMAS. GI dr ordered it to rule out SMAS as the cause of my Gastroparesis)
MR Enterography (to check crohn's active. Found the inflammation mentioned below in endoscopy part and partial gastric output obstruction. Turns out it was undigested food after 15 hours fasting)
2 endoscopies (1 was by surgeon to check out stomach pre op found mild gastric and second found severe inflammation consistant with gastroduodenal Crohn's)
EKG x2 (standard procedure pre op and 2nd as my bp is always low and hr high but the nurses didn't know that so they wanted me checked out. It was normal
Stress test (standard pre op- normal)
Chest x 2 (1. To rule out bowel obstruction when i went to erand eventually diagnosed with Gastroparesis 2. Required to start Humira to rule out TB)
Abdominal ultrasound ( to rule out lots of things because of pain pre gastroparesis diagnosis)
Gastric emptying study (diagnostic of gastroparesis. Very abnormal)
PICC line placement ( they do this in nuclear medicine)
Tons of blood tests and physical exams
Prometheus blood test (to check remicade blood levels and antibodies- was ok)
Swabs of various parts (hospital always does this)
Stool sample x2 (checking my inflammation levels. Abnormal of course as I have Crohns)
Urine sample (uti).
Eye exam, glaucoma test (standard . My good eye, right, went from -7.5 too -8, my left -11 to -12
Think that is it

31-03-18, 23:58
Brain Cancer - had a lump behind my ear (had CT)
Osteosarcoma - same lump
Heart Attack
Heart Disease - had echocardiogram
Ovarian Cancer (had ultrasound)
Ovarian Cyst
Skin Cancer
TMJ (I have)
Breast Cancer - had a lump (had mammogram)
Intestinal Cancer - severe intestinal pain (had ultrasound)
I am sure there is more...

01-04-18, 01:03
My 2017 list is pretty short, if I remember correctly:

Lyme disease

Most of the year I dealt with a real diagnosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, which was tiring but not anxiety-inducing.

05-04-18, 12:00
numerous heart conditions
brain tumour
colon cancer
mouth cancer
cervical cancer
uterus cancer
lyme disease


08-04-18, 04:44
Lung cancer
Heart failure
Breast cancer metastasized to bone
Pancreatic cancer
Randomly going blind

05-05-18, 18:47
Blood Clots
Parkinson's (had bad finger twitches, due to stress)
This year
It's Blood Clots
Liver issues
Fear of a cut or an injury not stop bleeding
Heart attack,
Oh the joy's of health anxiety.

06-05-18, 08:24
Heart condition
Peripheral neuropathy
Herniated disc
Cardiac disease
Liver disease
Kidney failure
Kidney related neuropathy
Kidney stone (which I have a history of)
Testicular cancer
Lyme disease
B-12 deficiency
HPV related neck/throat cancer
Trigeminal neuralgia
Esophogereal cancer

Some of these I spent maybe a few hours worrying about and others i've spent the better part of a year. Just varies.

06-05-18, 17:37
Brain tumor (negative brain scan)
Oral/mouth cancer (dentist saw nothing)
Sinus infection (brain scan showed clear sinuses too!)
Pancreatic cancer/liver disease (ultrasound clear)
Ovarian cancer
Anal/rectal cancer (3 DREs, doc says no way)
Tailbone/rectal cancer (x Ray totally normal)
Probably others that I've forgotten.
I had blood work taken about 6 times over the past year. Nothing off has ever come up, yet I still have fears. My therapist said I'm the most checked over woman in my city! Lol
Seeing these lists somehow makes me feel better, as I know I'm at least in good company. HA is a b****!

06-05-18, 23:27
Throat cancer
Gallbladder disease
Liver disease
Heart failure

Though 2017 I had them to a much lesser degree than this year and 2016, I guess it was a "good year"....