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View Full Version : So much anxiety about my wife's SVT

29-12-17, 19:37
My wife had to go to the emergency room a few nights ago with a pulse of 240bpm; she as given adenosine; and released after an hour, and her cardiologist does not seem overly worried as the episodes are infrequent; and according to his ecg and tests he ran on her; her heart is in perfect condition.

I'm just so worried because of how high her pulse gets when she has an episode; and how random the attacks are. I'm worried that the next time she gets one her heart is just going to stop; and she's going to be somewhere with my daughter; and my little girl is going to have to watch her mom die. Or my wife will be driving and will crash the car when an attack happens.

I know this doesn't seem realistic; but I've just got a cloud hanging over me just waiting to get the text that she's had another one.

Does anyone else suffer with this malady?

29-12-17, 20:17
her cardiologist does not seem overly worried as the episodes are infrequent; and according to his ecg and tests he ran on her; her heart is in perfect condition.

This part right here is the important part. A cardiologist, a specialist of the heart, is not worried and says that other than the SVT her heart is in perfect condition.

This is the equivalent of getting a clean bill of health. If it gets to the point where it's diminishing her quality of life then you can be sure they'll take steps to cure it.

SVT is not a killer, especially not in a healthy heart.

29-12-17, 20:18
This part right here is the important part. A cardiologist, a specialist of the heart, is not worried and says that other than the SVT her heart is in perfect condition.

This is the equivalent of getting a clean bill of health. If it gets to the point where it's diminishing her quality of life then you can be sure they'll take steps to cure it.

SVT is not a killer, especially not in a healthy heart.

Even at 240 beats per minute? That seems so astronomically high I just can't imagine a heart working like that without just giving out.

29-12-17, 20:21
You'd be surprised at the amount of punishment our hearts can take. They go our whole lives without stopping, speeding up and slowing down as our body demands it.

Also, it's not as though it's beating at a constant 240, it's only during one of the episodes it goes that fast. Some people have a resting heart rate of 120 for most of their lives and they never experience problems.

Trust your cardiologist, they didn't spend all that time in med school and practicing medicine to make a mistake that might cost someone their life.

29-12-17, 20:28
You'd be surprised at the amount of punishment our hearts can take. They go our whole lives without stopping, speeding up and slowing down as our body demands it.

Also, it's not as though it's beating at a constant 240, it's only during one of the episodes it goes that fast. Some people have a resting heart rate of 120 for most of their lives and they never experience problems.

Trust your cardiologist, they didn't spend all that time in med school and practicing medicine to make a mistake that might cost someone their life.

Ah, you give me so much piece of mind; thank you very much for your insight.

29-12-17, 20:33
You're welcome, i've had my fair share of heart related anxiety so I know it's easy to think that what you're experiencing is far from normal.

Key thing to remember is that Doctors deal with patients who have heart worries almost every day for most of their lives and cardiologists do it for a living so I guess they have a better understanding of what's "normal" than we do.

29-12-17, 20:44
You're welcome, i've had my fair share of heart related anxiety so I know it's easy to think that what you're experiencing is far from normal.

Key thing to remember is that Doctors deal with patients who have heart worries almost every day for most of their lives and cardiologists do it for a living so I guess they have a better understanding of what's "normal" than we do.

Oh i know, it's just so tough, because of this dang anxiety of mine. I worry about the doctors not caring if she lives or dies; and imagine the worst possible thing happening. Such a burden all of the time.

02-01-18, 19:18
Oh i know, it's just so tough, because of this dang anxiety of mine. I worry about the doctors not caring if she lives or dies; and imagine the worst possible thing happening. Such a burden all of the time.

I am in the process of dealing with what I hope also turns out to be a “benign” heart issue. All I can say is try not to let on to your wife that you are worried as if she isn’t worried about it or even if she is the last thing you want to do is make it worse. The psychological aspect of these damn things can become consuming.