View Full Version : Sudden Onset Anxiety

29-12-17, 21:12
Hi, I've never suffered any sort of anxiety before but over the last five days I have started experiencing some weird sort of dread/ fear. I can't pin it down to anything but it is scary, its like an overwhelming feeling that envelopes me, especially during the evenings, like right now. I'm sleeping fine and other than feeling a bit apprehensive getting out of bed each morning I am virtually unaffected by it during the day.

29-12-17, 21:57
Are you on your own more in the evening? I find my mind likes to try and find thinkgs to worry about then. Sometimes i dont know where my dread comes from, its just when my stomach starts doing somersaults and then the feeling of dread, i know i must be worrying about something, even if dont know what it is. You need to try and distract yourself with something, i find lots of hobbies help, basically making and fixing things, using items you already have, keeps me busy.

30-12-17, 09:08
I remember mine all started without much of a clue, although looking back there were signs I was overdoing things. For me, I didn't have anxiety issues until I reached my thirties.

My advice would be to look at what is causing your stress in your life. If you are under a lot of pressure, that may be the reason for it. That doesn't mean it will develop into a disorder, you may just be going through a stressful period and feeling some symptoms of anxiety.

They are unpleasant and it can be scary. But since this is new you don't have ingrained negative thinking to deal with so look at what you can do to make your life better for you. Healthy eating, exercise, not overdoing things at work, getting enough rest & breaks, having time to enjoy your life with friends & family or a partner. Address any imbalances that are negative so that you have a balanced life with activities you enjoy & find enriching.

If I had done that when I saw the signs, I believe things would have been much different for me.