View Full Version : Fatty liver, pancreatitis, ulcer or something.

29-12-17, 23:57
For the past couple months, maybe more, I've experienced a pain at basically the bottom of my rib cage on the right side. Kind of bands around to the back, sometimes I feel it on the front. I seem to be a bit bloated lately and also experiencing an increase in gas I think.

It started mainly at night. That would be when I would start to feel it and then up through the morning and it would alleviate through the morning. It's recently started to become prevalent longer through the day and a little more severe during the night.

I'm worried now that it's chronic pancreatitis or something along those lines. There has been no changes to my bowel movements or urination. Also I have no changes in appetite and am able to keep for down.

I went to a clinic today about it and my urine came back fine so nothing with kidneys. They said it's possibly a duodenal ulcer and gave me a medication for that which I didn't get a chance to have filled. Anyone able to share some knowledge on this.

30-12-17, 01:28
Hi there,

I just wanted to say I understand and have experience of the type of pain you are experiencing. For about a month now I have had pain in my rib area, of which I worried was a problem with my lungs. Of course now I realize it's all anxiety as it went away and I have accepted it will probably come back. Please do not worry, take the medication as if it is an ulcer it will clear it up. But if somehow it does not clear up perhaps speak to your GP about it to put your mind at ease. I'm pretty sure it's just anxiety though as it appears to have gotten worse the more you have noticed it.

Peace and love

30-12-17, 07:44
I've tried to treat the pain as if it was caused by anxiety and up until a few days ago I hadn't had anxiety about it. The anxiety came on once the pain became more prevalent. It's hard to escape the worry of chronic pancreatitis. The pain has begun to wake me and keep me up at night. It's 2:44 am where I'm located and have been roused from sleep due to it.

30-12-17, 11:21
You have a potential diagnosis, at least give the meds a chance before any other self diagnosis

04-01-18, 02:51
Wondering if it could be symptoms of colitis.

04-01-18, 17:45
Have you taken the complete course of meds in just 5 days? If not, then why are you questioning the drs diagnosis!

05-01-18, 07:06
Trust me when I tell you it does not sound like pancreatitis.. I have had this before and know others who have also had it... Do you notice the pain a couple hours after eating or pain about an hour after eating a fatty meal? When I had gallstones my pain started out the way you describe yours is now. It would hit me at night or sometimes it would wake me up at night and last till the early morning hours. I didnt associate it with meals because it always started hours after I last ate unless it was a very fatty meal, if it was a fatty meal the on set was quicker. I went about a year with that pain not knowing what could be causing it. One day I had a really bad attack that landed me in the ER, they did a quick ultrasound and found I had a few stones in my gallbladder and one was stuck in the neck blocking the bile. I am not saying this is what you have going on but if after a few weeks you find the meds the doctor gave you are not working its something to look into but give the meds you were given some time to work first.

Maybe since you notice an increase in gas it could just be gas?? Trapped gas can cause pain in all sorts a places in the abdomen and upper abdomen and sometimes the pain is pretty bad to the point people think they are having a serious problem esp since trapped gas can also at times be felt in the chest. You can try an over the counter medication that is used to treat gas, like gas x is a good one. You can find it in most grocery and drug stores.

Hope you get to feeling better soon

06-01-18, 10:32
Thanks for the great response. I kind of knew if wasn't pancreatitis. It helps me to write my worries out sometimes and then think about them after I've done that. I was sent yesterday for an X-ray, but won't get my results until Monday probably. I was thinking it was gas st first, but didn't know what would cause such an increase for such a prolonged time. My worry now that I'm trying to escape from is that it's internal bleeding. Kind of irrational I know, but anxiety doesn't take on a rational mindset.