View Full Version : Hard to describe

26-06-07, 08:56
I'm not sure if this is anxiety, I thought I'd experienced all the symptoms over the years so maybe this is something else. I hurt my back last year so I've kind of put everything down to that but now I'm not sure. I get a weird feeling in my muscles, usally starting in my lower back, a bit like a tickly squeezing feeling (I did say it was hard to describe :D ), then I get like a butterfly type feeling but much worse in my stomach which seems to radiate out to my legs and up to my mouth, it's a horrible sensation then my feet will feel cold, I'm so worried I've got something wrong inside. I know I need to go to my GP, I've just changed to a new one, I've been putting off going as I don't think they'll have my notes yet.

I've been under a lot of stress just lately and seem to spend most of my time crying, :weep:this is why I'm thinking it must be anxiety related. I'm just not sure how on earth I'm going to describe what I'm feeling to my GP and was hopng someone would say they had experienced something similar.
Thanks for listening.

26-06-07, 10:41
Hi Delta

I am currently going through an anxious time and I too am having problems with my back and stomach. I can totally relate the the butterflies sensation. My pain/tickly feeling is right down near my coccyics and lower back and my stomach feels like it has a thousand butterflies flapping inside. I have been to the doc and he said it's anxiety. I wouldn't be worried about not being able to explain what you mean. I'm always at the docs with weird sensations/feelings that I can't describe and they always listen to me seriously.

Hope this helps
Love Sarah

27-06-07, 09:16
Hi Sarah
Thanks for your reply. I feel better knowing I'm not alone with these horrible symptoms. Did your GP make any suggestions as to how to deal with the anxiety?

28-06-07, 19:51
Well with me my doc has put me back on Citalopram because my anxiety went through the roof! I've been on them before and they have always helped in the past, so fingers crossed they will this time! He has also referred me to the GP counsellor, so hopefully that will help. I keep crying too and am very much on a rollercoaster at the moment. I would definately tell your doc how you are feeling just so he can reassure you that its stress related. That in its self will help you a lot.

Sarah x