View Full Version : I know I need to stop this- heart attack fears

30-12-17, 12:59
I know that I need to stop this.

constantly worrying every half minit if I'm going to die of a heart attack
I keep thinking that I am going to reach over and get something, or stand up, or move, and boom. I'll die of a heart attack

like my heart is just this little frajile thing that will break at the slightest movement or pressure

(and it's part of the reason I can't sleep). that, and imsomnia

I've had doctors come out and tell me, their is nothing wrong with your heart- if their was something wrong with your heart, trust me, we'd know

still the worry continues

what's more I know you don't always die of heart attacks. i've seen programmes where people have been saved (who have had them)

02-01-18, 05:16
You are not alone. I'm in the same boat, and I don't know how to stop it. I will be ok for a while, then something triggers it again. I have lupus, and have lots of aches and pain. Anytime I get pain in my chest or left arm, I panic. I've had all of the tests, but it still weighs on my mind. It sucks. Im sorry.