View Full Version : Right Side Neck Lump near collar bone

30-12-17, 13:45

I have a small elliptical shaped lump near my right side neck collar bone. Hard and immovable. 2 months back I noticed it suddenly. My other symptoms are

1. Shoulders are paining especially my left shoulder. Pain connected with back neck and on to ears.
2. I have both ears aching and at times I feel my ears are getting warm and some kind of feeling of fluid leaking.
3. Jaws are paining at times.
4. When. I touch my neck skin, I feel some kind of sensitive metallic feeling.
5. Bearable pain in the back side neck

I had some sore throat and cold. Initially thought they are swollen glands. It's 2 months now lump stays there. I don't think it appears to be an infection bit not very sure.

I went to my GP 3 times and the process is very slow and they does not seem to be serious. Finally they arranged for a Ultrasound scan but it dint conclude on what's the problem. I don't know what the next steps are. As it's Christmas holidays now, GP appointments are not available and A&E treats patients only if the condition is serious. They advised me to go to GP again. Even if I go to them, I am not confident whether they will resolve the issue. I think I have to visit some specialist privately though I have to spend some money.

Did any one came across the symptoms I have mentioned above. As usual, I am extremely terrified of Cancer and looking various ways to resolve this. I could not focus on the job and anxiety is killing my time. Googling gives 90% negative responses and comments.Any suggestions or advice please?

30-12-17, 20:33

Yes I have had similar. You've done the right thing in getting it checked out, and definitely stay away from Google. I had an enlarged lymph node near my collarbone and googling totally convinced me it was lymphoma. It wasn't.

If it were me, I'd return to the GP, ask them what the ultrasound report said, and whether they feel any further investigation is now needed.

Good luck

30-12-17, 20:49
Thanks a lot for your reply. Yes I will surely check with GP. Was it an infection? Have you had to perform any other tests other than ultra sound? After ultrasound scan, radilogist who performed said, he was not sure about the lump and he said Biopsy can clarify.

30-12-17, 22:07
In the end I'm not sure what caused it so think it must have been an infection. It took years to go down, but eventually shrank.

I had a fine needle aspirate under ultrasound first (a bit like a biopsy), but actually got inconclusive results from that. I had that done privately, and was then sent back to the NHS for an ultrasound, which was enough for them to tell it was all ok because it was performed by a radiologist who specialised in neck lumps. Some hospitals actually run neck lump clinics and so they're really familiar with what they're looking at.

Do understand how worrying it can be, and I feel for you as I remember all the horror stories online, but take some reassurance from your doctors and head back to the GP to see what, if anything, they want to do next. If they need to biopsy it, they'll arrange that for you and I'm sure they won't delay if they have any concerns about it.

All best wishes