View Full Version : Another lymph node scare

30-12-17, 19:12
Oh I spiralled back when I started two weeks ago. The itsy bitsy lymph node appeared on the back of my neck 2 weeks ago. It is very small but palpable. The day it appeared it had redness over it and a few zits. I read it means accute. I don't know what caused it. Three days later one more small node appeared just below it. They are both no longer than 0.6 cm LONG axis. I also have cough and runny nose. 2 internists said to leave them alone that they are very small and reactive to my cold. But this cough is already two weeks and yesterday i thought my nodes are getting smaller but today i think they are back where they were

While I KNOW that they are VERY VERY VERY UNLIKELY to be lymphoma or anything else malignant because they are so small, appeared when I have caught a virus and my blood work is fine and I do not have any additional symptoms.

But today the thought crossed my mind that these nodes are on the same side where 2 months ago I had a scare about something I could find with my tongue on my soft palate. I thought it was minor salivary gland tumor and went to the best specialist of my country in oral pathology/professor of oncology. He looked in my mouth and photographed it with velscope technology. Everything was very good and he actually laughed at me because what I had percieved as something sinister was an overused muscle. He felt my nodes on my neck and they were all fine. My lymphs appeared 2 weeks after my visit. I was relieved but now I think what if he misdiagnosed me and nodes reacted not to my virus but to that "bump" (which he said wasn't even a lump) i also have burning mouth at that side. He said glossodynia most likely from acid or anxiety (he saw i was anxious because I specifically asked him if it doesn't look like cancer... he has experience in oral oncology for more than 20 years and is a professor. Rationally i think that my palate is ok but health anxiety isn't rational and I think they are misdiagnosing me and I am going to die).

I am pregnant now so I can't even go to test out my lymph nodes now. Internist said that no one would even biopsy them because they are small. And that if I want that piece of mind I can go to ultrasound to hear that they are benign.

I don't know what I want from you. I am just posting it for my own sanity. If it is written out, i can see that I am nuts.

01-01-18, 22:19
I have these fears too. You're not alone. Think positive so as not to stress your baby. I'm currently fearing it as well. I read lymphnodes can also respond to stress, so we have to calm down. Judging by how many lymphoma posts on here, anxiety might be the case for all of our lymphnode troubles. Thank God for that!

anxious andi
02-01-18, 00:52
I have these fears too. You're not alone. Think positive so as not to stress your baby. I'm currently fearing it as well. I read lymphnodes can also respond to stress, so we have to calm down. Judging by how many lymphoma posts on here, anxiety might be the case for all of our lymphnode troubles. Thank God for that!

They can react to stress? I've been hoping so-- as I had one one one side, was incredibly stressed about it- and then had another appear on the other side. I *think* it was stress but it's hard to come by when you search.

02-01-18, 11:12
I don't think mine are caused by stress alone. I do have a cough virus. It is finally getting better so I hope that my nodes will go away in a month. I also hope I didn't make them shotty by poking and prodding them all day long. They are tiny, to be honest, and not growing in size over two weeks I have them. I suppose if they were malignant, they would grow fast.

I also have a few cavities in my teeth in that side of jaw. And my scalp is itching and I think I might have hormone related seborrheic dermatitis as it started just when I became pregnant (dandruff-like stuff comes off my scalp). It can also cause lymph nodes to raise.

Trying to be calm.

Although it's tough. I am now monitoring my whole body for itching. And now and then I feel something here and there on my skin. But it goes away and I don't have it when I don't think about it. I am pretty sure it's normal because when I had HIV scare, I also did the monitoring and that alone made me feel i itch, when in fact it wasn't itching, just normal skin reaction to cloth, etc.

I had to start a hormone medicine due to my pregnancy a few days ago and I think it might triggered an allergic reaction, I have one red and itchy pimple on my lower back. But I don't think red raised pimples are a sign of lymphoma so I am trying to be calm for my baby.