View Full Version : Does anyone find that going to the gym helps?

26-06-07, 10:19
Who here finds that going to the gym helps with their condition?

I am currently a bit undecided on this as well the exercise will make me feel better and also help to burn off some of the adrenaline which seems to flow through my veins most of the day. However leaving the gym seems to leave me prone to panic attacks as I find it hard to find at what rate I should be breathing and can end up hyperventilating.

26-06-07, 10:37
:yesyes: hi there,
there are times when my anxiety is building up that ive been worried at the gym, before this bout of anxiety i was struggling to go to the gym 3 times a week due to lack of motivation, and sometimes when i was there i was seeing that my heart was beating on the machines more than it had told me it should for my age!:ohmy:
okay so now ive been in 13 week bout of anxiety/panic and for first 3 weeks i never went to the gym, but i continued work and walking my dogs but i still felt yuk!
now ive upped the gyn to every other day and actually for about last 7 days ive been every day:blush: but only for 35-50 mins just to raise my heart rate and burn off the adrenaline like you say.
and ive felt better and ive slept, and ive not been bothered about the heart rate monitors, its the choice between getting rid of adrenaline or being worried about my heart rate? so ive decided its irrelevant at this time whether im going too hard, i dont feel i am so i think im okay!
it is well worth it and i think your panic will come down the more you go, the alternative for me is much worse:wacko: as i also dont take any meds at all so i feel i have to do something and this is the way i do it and it works for me, plus im getting toned at the same time so thats a bonus also:yesyes:
hope this helps

26-06-07, 15:21
Most definately, its puts me in a good mood too which helps me feeling so crap about myself. And there is the occasional hunk to stare at too. Bonus!

26-06-07, 19:10
yes yes yes. i got into a really good habit of excerising about a year ago and that has been the best i felt in a long time!!

unfortunately i got out of the habit as i felt soo good and was busy going out and doing the things i hadnt been able to do in a long while, so now my anxiety has crept back up( but nowhere near as bad!).

i am still trying to get back into the routine of it, and fitness dvds are a godsend to get started!!

the doctors are right, healthy diet and regular excerise does wonders!!

give it a go :D

26-06-07, 19:27
the gym really helps me i always feel better afterwards :)

26-06-07, 21:08
i should get back to the gym but i worry about germs

27-06-07, 18:50
I have walked into the gym with my anxiety nearly through the roof, and left feeling relaxed. Its better than any med I have ever tried.


27-06-07, 20:30
Seeing this post reminds me of how much the gym helped, im going to have to start going again !:)


28-06-07, 00:48
Pity its so expensive. I could be spending my money on better things but alas its a lifeline. Mind you, i have to wait 12 hours between taking my propranalol and exercising which is a royal pain in the bum so i have started only taking the drugs when i really need them and using my rescue remedy when im not too bad.

28-06-07, 12:19
I used to take propranalol but stopped as it really messed with my heart. The "normal" surges of adrenaline were somehow being blocked which made me feel like I was having a heart attack or something! Rescue Remedy's good though :)

I don't go to the gym, but I do cycle three times a week which really helps. It's nice to get outside and get the heart up naturally. Afterwards I always feel calmer.

28-06-07, 20:24
I have just got a treadmill and went on it for 35 mins tonight and it was a lovely feeling, then walked the dog for 45 mins, had a long bath and am sitting here feeling a bit better. Hopefully the more i do it the better i will feel ?

28-06-07, 21:57
I've been going to the gym a couple of times a week and I think it is helping. Its almost like it uses up some of my excess adrenaline lol!
Alas I dont have the body of jennifer aniston just yet though....maybe another couple of (thousand) sessions!!

Coni X

28-06-07, 22:12
I know what u mean Coni, I don't have the body of jennifer either

29-06-07, 11:16
I go running about 4 times a week and it definately makes me feel better for a few hours but then the anxiety creeps back.:mad:

30-06-07, 12:10
I'm pretty unfit, but I've been trying to get into the habit of going to the gym. I always end up feeling quite anxious though - manage about 20 minutes on the cross trainer, but going at quite a slow pace.

I know it'll do me good, but struggling to get over coming over dizzy and tense and achy (or worse convinced I'm going to have a heart attack) in the middle.

Anyone got suggestions for that? I'm tempted to see my GP and ask for CBT (I had some 18 months ago, but never quite got rid of the fear)
, but don't want to have to explain it all again to a new GP!

Soda Girl
02-07-07, 15:35
I used to go to the gym quite a bit - I don't think I 'look' like a super-fit gym queen *sigh* (hey, maybe one day - positive thinking... ;) ) but I did feel better for going. (Although there were occasions when I was really not good enough, and I would get mad with myself! And occasions when I would grumble at machines etc... *blush* Really, it is not as bad as I am making it sound... )

I have been running recently (well, not the last couple of weeks as I haven't been well) - it isn't always easy (howww much longer have I got to go? I musn't stop! Aargh... ) but again, I do feel better for the exercise.

I must go to the gym again...

02-07-07, 15:39
I found it helps loads. At first the anxiety was worse but after some time my confidence built. I now believe that exercise is a key element for me. If I don't exercise now for a few days I can feel the anxiety symptoms rising.

It's best to do a low impact, aerobic type of exercise to start with. Personally, I found the bike the best starting point. I now do allsorts of stuff for a bit of varity......even back playing 5 a side which the people on here prodded me back into.......and I'm glad they did. Although my knees aren't!

02-07-07, 16:12
I'm going to the gym under the GP referral scheme, but some of the sessions are 10am in the morning and I've missed a few due to sleeping in :(

Take Care

Gordon XX

02-07-07, 19:49
I know what u mean Coni, I don't have the body of jennifer either

I am extremely relieved to hear that Jaco as it would have shattered my image of you :D