View Full Version : MS anxiety, symptoms, clean MRI

30-12-17, 22:59
Hey everyone! I recently recovered from an episode of severe health anxiety about MS and these sorts of threads really helped me at the time so I thought I would post my symptoms for you all:

1. Cold patches (mostly one side, mostly in the same places)
2. Burning, hot patches (mostly one side, mostly in the same places)
3. Tingling/prickling (mostly one side, sometimes all over the body)
4. Facial numbness (one side)
5. Hand numbness
6. At one point, whole one sided body numbness
7. Extreme fatigue
8. Extreme sudden fatigue
9. Migraines and tension headaches
10. Urinary leaking during my period
11. Short breath
12. Dizziness/vertigo/dropped foot
13. Flickering in my peripheral vision as if someone was turning the light on and off really quickly, but this happened once in natural light
14. Perceived all body weakness
15. A bout of really bad facial pain on one side
16. Sensations of waterdrops on skin. Feeling as though my clothes were wet when they touched my skin (one side)
17. Eye pressure, pain when moving eyes
18. Muscle fasticulations, as if worms were moving under my skin

My symptoms also didn't exactly correspond to moments of stress/non-stress, nor did they gradually and evenly disappear. Some days would just randomly be really bad, other days not, until slowly everything settled and I felt normal again. This took about a month, during which I removed most major stressors out of my life.

I also got two MRIs, a brain and cervical spine one with/without contrast, which revealed absolutely nothing.

What helped me:
- Reading about similar experiences and not googling any symptoms (hard I know). A tip: if you're going to google symptoms because the urge is too great, I would recommend adding the word 'anxiety' to the end of that google search. So instead of just typing 'tingling' into google and getting every horrible disease in existence, type in 'tingling anxiety' and get information that will make you feel better. Also, get someone to block key words from your search engine.
- Avoiding reassurance seeking: this was really important, because I realized that asking those around you who don't have any medical knowledge and most likely don't have as bad of anxiety as you just don't understand, and their words will fall on deaf ears. Even worse, you'll be spending time dwelling on the very thing you should be trying to distract yourself from. If you have to, ask people who've gone through similar experiences, or who have anxiety.
- Distract yourself as much as possible. Whenever I felt any symptoms, I would distract myself by doing some really hard math problem or something. Whatever works.
- Exercise: I can't even begin to tell you how beneficial this is. Even if you feel weak, stressed like hell, ravaged with anxiety, try to go outside and take a walk.
- EAT. In my case, half of my symptoms were because I was too stressed and nauseous to eat. It might be hard, but get in as much food as possible.
- Create outside stimulus to distract yourself from your own body. Sights, sounds, textures, smells, etc. Exercise helps a lot with this
- Realize that some of your symptoms may be caused by some minor medical condition. For me, the facial pain, eye pressure and pain, facial numbness, and migraine was all caused by a sinus infection, which I didn't realize I had because I didn't have congestion, until I described my symptoms to my mom who has them frequently. The urinary incontinence was due to the pain of my period, and my relatively weak bladder from a history of UTIs. The chance of you having MS is much much lower than the chance of you having a couple of minor health issues at the same time.
- Understand that anxiety is a serious condition that causes severe responses in your body if it is bad enough. This is the nature of somatic conditions. When you are extremely stressed, your body is under a constant state of arousal. When that energy isn't expended into fleeing from a predator, it goes elsewhere and ignites the other systems in your body, primarily the nervous system.
- Let your body recover, don't push your body to recover. Once you realize that your symptoms are due to stress, it can be really frustrating when they don't go away immediately. That frustration will then turn into further fear and worrying, and the cycle begins again. Your body is chemically off-balance, and it doesn't readjust itself immediately. Be patient, and try not to worry about new symptoms or sensations that don't seem to disappear. Don't compare yourself to other people's situations on this forum. Your body is unique to you and you only.

I hope this helped!! Good luck

30-12-17, 23:18
Thankyou i am in that MS hole now so reading some positive feedback is helpful

Toronto girl
30-12-17, 23:25
angelasun, this is a fabulous post. Thank you for taking the time to post this as I’m sure it will help many - me included.

30-12-17, 23:54
This is a high quality post mate.

I experienced much of what you describe in a particularly bad bout I had two years ago. People do not understand the affect stress can physically cause to their bodies, nor how long it can take to train themselves out of it. Took me months before my symptoms disappeared fully.

11-01-18, 15:42

Thankyou so much for that post, I experience perceived weakness in arms and fingers during these last few months of anxiety and now have a weird sensation made worse by my latest random pilates class that there is a piece of clothing rubbing on my ankle when there is nothing there, strange sensation but my brain is now concentrating on it 24/7.

I have been suffering with anxiety on and off for 25 years and must have had every symptom possible all of which I refused to understand was anxiety related.

Everytime I think I am coming through the other side something else happens!!!

Many Thanks

Bekki xxx

11-01-18, 17:32
I currently have the raindrop and stream feeling on both sides of face and when I go to bed it happens anywhere. MRI results should be coming in a day or so...hate this

11-01-18, 17:42

Let me know how you get on, I know how you feel with the sensations, I always wish I could just be normal


15-01-18, 07:55

Let me know how you get on, I know how you feel with the sensations, I always wish I could just be normal


It took me awhile and some days I still struggle with these fears but have faith that you will get better! Instead of wishing that you could just be normal, which I’ve realized is a form of helpless expression, really try to get it in your head that you can and will defeat this. I know it’s hard, if you’d like to talk more you can always private message me. Perceived weakness can be SO powerful, I used to get tension headaches that would cause my entire body to feel so weak I could barely move. And the clothes thing can be very frustrating. Again, just really try to distract yourself as much as possible. Something that helped me was to concentrate on one symptom, and then realize that the sensation of my other symptoms lessened. That really was helpful to get my mind set on the right path. Then, gradually try to stop thinking about the symptoms completely.

---------- Post added at 01:55 ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 ----------

I currently have the raindrop and stream feeling on both sides of face and when I go to bed it happens anywhere. MRI results should be coming in a day or so...hate this

Hang in there!! The water drop sensation is probably the weirdest thing, and took the longest for me to go away. It’s a reassuring sign that it happens more when you go to bed, because you can rationalize it as your brain having nothing else to concentrate on.

15-01-18, 08:05
I had some of the above symptoms back in my mid 30's and also had a clear MRI. It turned out I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which wasn't recognised by the medical profession in NZ. It was the best diagnosis I've had but has caused a lot of strange and varied symptoms over the years that come in flares. It also causes anxiety and depression.

26-01-18, 17:41
I am going through this at the moment & it feels so scared. Had 3 MRI’s on brain cervical spine & spine & all came back completely clear, yet still not convinced!!!!!!
Weakness especially right side
Strange feeling on right leg like a tight band round it.

Can this really all be anxiety???? The worry of MS is so great yet the drs & neurologists day no. Why can i not be convinced????

26-01-18, 19:15
You cannot be convinced because you are still experiencing the symptoms and want an answer to what is causing them. The trouble is that plain old anxiety even when we don't think wer are feeling anxious could account for all your symptoms. The symptoms do not have to be caused by something serious but living with them is hard.

What often happens is we develop a symptom like say a bout of dizziness for whatever reason, having ha we instantly panic as any bodily symptom makes us panic and then this sets off a cascade of other symptoms that don't have to have anything to do with original symptom!

You have been sensible and had all the approprate tests that have ruled out huge number of neuro diseases and can be reassured by that.

15-02-18, 03:45
This is a great post thank you. A lot of what you have said has made sense and I am glad I have found this forum as I do not have anyone who suffers with health anxiety in my immediate life and people find it hard to understand and often get angry with me. I am going through therapy for anxiety I tried CBT and that made me worse so I’m trying an alternative therapy for it. I am also working through it with the doctors but mine stems from having a lack of trust in doctors which is hard to tell them! Coming from someone in the thick of it at the moment it’s hard (really hard) to think your symptoms can be caused by anxiety but they clearly can as there are a number of people on this site that suffer the same symptoms and have had every test going. Scary what the mind can do to the body that’s for sure! I’m going to continue posting on this forum throughout my journey and hopefully some tips I pick up from therapy will help others.