View Full Version : I keep getting my words jumbled up (brain tumour worry)

31-12-17, 01:57
This is a very new worry to me, but it's definately causing some worry because I just keep noticing it. I find myself speaking to fast or wanting to say to say something and then hesitating on a word or missing it out of a sentence. I feel like my words just get mixed up and even my spelling and grammar has become poorer and that was never really the case before. I don't know if I'm over thinking this, it's frightening me the more I notice it. The the thing is, I'm able to hold conversation and everything, it's just something that happens a few times a day. I guess a lack of sleep could contribute. Idk, can someone help me calm down about this please?

31-12-17, 17:50
Hello there,

I really wouldn't worry! I often find during times of anxiety and sometimes even when I'm totally fine I'll be getting my words muddled and come out in the wrong order. Think it's just that our brains are concentrating on worrying too much to function at 100%. Lack of sleep always makes it worse for me to.

Try some relaxation techniques maybe? I also try to laugh at myself when I do it, make it feel less worrying.

Happy New Year, here's to a happy and healthy 2018!

04-01-18, 14:03
Oh my goodness, I started noticing this with myself very recently too! And I've had severe hypochondriac episodes where I think I've got any sort of neurological problem for about a year now. 'Cause I do the exact same thing - mixing/pausing/replacing words - and I panic even though I'm aware it's very normal!

It's like I've suddenly been paying attention to everything I'm saying, and specifically trying to notice when I'm forgetting/replacing words I mean to say, or jumbling them up - even though I'm severely overthinking this. But when I add the mixed-up speech to the other symptoms I think I have, it makes me freak out. It's gotten to a point where I'll sometimes try and pay attention to OTHER people to see if they do it, and it's not just me, ahaha. ;w;

But I know it's a completely normal thing to do, and I know it's hypocritical for me to say, but try not to worry about it too much! I'm trying too, but you're definitely not alone on that one, friend. ;w;

Take care~

04-01-18, 14:49
Hi There

Dont worry, i am new to Anxiety/Depression (Just diag) and i do get this problem. I am having severe adrenaline rush for the last couple of weeks and this turned into full panic attacks twice. I couldn't even utter a single word during those.

I blv it is common with anxiety :)