View Full Version : Period pain problems

26-06-07, 11:12
I'm 40 and for last few months my periods have certainly changed and got worse, bit more painful and a bit heavier. However on 2 of these months (first one was 8 months ago and the 2 one is this week) the pains have been terrible for about the first 2 hours of my period starting, ie have to lay down, feel sick, hot sweating, pain radiating into my thighs.

Anyway I googled all this and found something called secondary dysmenorrhea. Basically if you've not really had problems in the past but are now experiencing painful periods, this is it and there is usually an underlying cause. So of course I've scared myself now. And I know I should've have googled but I cant help it :weep:

I'm going to get an doctor appointment tomorrow but I've started my circle of worry AGAIN and of course thinking the worse.

26-06-07, 11:59
oh jenny try not to worry ive had this on and off since my early 20s, i am now nearly 39. I got told it was endeometriosis, basically some of the womb grows out side of the womb area and causes these horrible pains.
In 99% of the cases it harmless and usually gets better in time.
But I know how draining it can be, id get the really heavy pains going down my legs and my shins, also down my back and my stomach would cramp really bad and Id get clots and an upset bowel all at the same time, also very blurred vision and sickly. Poor you, its absolutely horrible isnt it but what I have done is go on the progesterone only pill and OMG its made everything so much better (havent had a period in 5 months now) Im on a low dose pill called micronor and its fantastic, these problems can be sorted so dont be afraid to go for help and dont suffer for years like i did.

let me know how you get on and rest whilst you are this bad and dont be afraid to take pain relief.


26-06-07, 12:21
thanks Mirry. I only got worried because the goggle sites said "if you start getting painful periods later on then there is an underlying cause"

I know my symptoms are very typical of period pains but I've never had problems in the past - they've always just been an inconvenience but these 2 "attacks" are disabling :wacko: The first one was in October and I assumed I was having food poisoning (although my period started at the same time I was having this attack). I call them attacks coz they are bad symptoms for me.

Then when I got the exact same symptoms yesterday (again with my period started) I knew it wasn't food poisoning.

These symptoms are just new to me so of course I'm a bit concerned but will go to the doctor.

My symptoms are just as you describe - I was flat on my back for 2 hours waiting for the pain relief to kick in. I then fell asleep coz it wore me out. I have read about endometriosis - I wasn't aware though that it's usually left alone?

26-06-07, 12:48
Hi Jenny,

I'm the same age as you and although my I've always had very painful periods, they got so much worse over the last year or two. Exactly the same symptoms as you. Very disabling and couldn't even go to work for 2 days every month.

Like Mirry, I am now on a progesterone-only pill and I haven't had a period for months and it's SUCH a relief. It's no longer part of my life, thankfully.

Try not to worry - I'm sure the doc will do a few tests to put your mind at rest before deciding on some treatment to help you.

Eeb x

26-06-07, 13:14
Hi Jenny,

Firstly have a :hugs:

I have been told by my doc that I have dysmenorrhea, and possibly endometriosis. My symptoms are very similar to yours. Every month I get very painful periods, without fail. The first couple of days are the worst. I'm not sure if this will make you feel any better, but noticed that you said how this has only happened a couple of times, well I am the same. My symptoms have only been very severe 3 or 4 times. My symptoms include severe cramps in my stomach and bottom of my back, where I literally cannot move. Pain down my thighs. I get really dizzy, can't talk properly, can't hear properly. Sweat buckets. Shake all over, where I have to just sit down. Vomit. It almost feels as if I am going into shock. I also find that it gets worse if I lie down, I am better sitting up. Not that any way is comfortable, but I do find it is worse if I lie down. I have found myself screaming for a doctor as it is so sore.

I was given mefanamic acid tablets (strong painkillers) to take for the first few days of my period each month, but they done nothing for the pain. Ibuprofen also done nothing. Paracetamols seem to work for me eventually, however, it can take a couple of hours before you get total relief from it. Another thing you can try is feminax, it's a tablet made specifically for painful periods. It worked wonders for me. However, I had to stop taking it as I started getting side effects from the tablets, nothing major, just a bit dizzy, but I suffer from health anxiety, so it could have been to do with that, not the tablets.

Give paracetamols, or feminax a try. You can also get heat pads to put on your stomach. These didn't really do the pain any good, but I liked the heat lol!

Let us know how you get on at the doctors :hugs:

Take care,

Lou xxx