View Full Version : Bronchitus and anxiety.

31-12-17, 03:04
Hi Im new here and in desperate need of advice. I was diagnost with bronchitus a couple days ago and I am struggling to stay calm while I cannot breath. I have huge heath anxiety around breathing issues so this sickness is a huge test. Iv had to go to the doctors for breathing treatments multiple times even though they said my,oxygen was fine because I threw myself into a huge pannic feeling like I was suffocating. I havnt been able to sleep for a couple days because Im terrafied of suffocating in my sleep. I need some serious advice on how to stay calm with breathing issues so I dont make it worse. And how to fall asleep while in a panniced state. Thank you !

31-12-17, 13:45
The best thing you can do is keep telling yourself this is temporary, and just accepting the way it is right now.

When I had anxiety around my breathing, I was constantly checking and trying to take a full breath. This is ironically counter productive as you'll end up in a state of hyperventilation. Try and slow your breathing down, and remind yourself that you have been medically checked and the O2 levels are fine. Your body has enough oxygen to function perfectly well.

There is no possible way you will suffocate in your sleep. There's nothing about bronchitis that will make you suffocate, and not sleeping will just prolong your recovery.

You'll be fine :)

31-12-17, 15:14
I get awful bronchitis every winter. Last year I made myself a “steam tent”, just a bowl of boiling water and held my head above the steam, draped a towel over my head to help hold in the steam and inhale as much as I could. Really helped break up the congestion and get me breathing easier. My HA seems to Center around breathing, my heart, and my head - all horrible things during bronchitis so I feel for you!!! Try the steam and drinking hot tea with honey. You’ll be better soon ��

01-01-18, 22:15
Thanks, I am trying my best to stay calm. Breathing issues are hard to deal with. It feels like I am suffocating despite having breathing treatments and every medication on earth thats made to help. Its honestly frustrating how much I have cried this weak because I cannot function with this. Getting up leaves me out of breath and that makes me pannic. Honestly hope this gets over soon :( I am not sure how much more I can take