View Full Version : How long should it take for antibiotics to work?

31-12-17, 05:51
I’m currently taking Bactrim & Doxycycline for a staph infection and I’m on day 3 of a 10 day prescription and it doesn’t look like it’s improving in any obvious way. In fact, it feels a bit more tender today than before I think. Should I go back to the dr or should I wait until I finish my prescription to see results? I googled it (bad idea, as always) and it says that it should be getting better within 1-2 days of taking antibiotics or else it might be MRSA. Is this true? It really freaked me out :’(

31-12-17, 10:51
I would finish your course of antibiotics before going back to the doctors. I don't know too much about antibiotics but would probably give them longer than 3 days.

31-12-17, 11:27
I was always under the impression it can take near the whole course of antibiotics to start to feel their effects. 3 days in out of a 10 day prescription isn't very much at all. Obviously if you're concerned don't necessarily take internet randoms' advice and ask a doctor for advice, but I wouldn't be worrying in those circumstances.

31-12-17, 11:38
I've always found with antibiotics that you feel nothing from them until they halt the infection and then you see a change as you get better daily.

Usually 2 days for me but it's been longer. I would give it more time and your doctor has put you on a fairly long course so is perhaps aware it will take a bit longer.