View Full Version : Is this anxiety?

26-06-07, 11:17
Hello, I Am Really Struggling At The Mo And Dont No What To Do.

This Is How I Am Feeling

4.no Motivation
5.fed Up All The Time
6 Feel Sick Alot
7. Have Bad Stomach Pain
8. Cant See Alot Of Point To Life
9. Force Myself To Do Everything
10. Feel Dizzy
11.dont Feel Real
12. Feel Like I Am Going Mad Alot
13. Feel Alone
14. Avoid Thiings
15. No Appetite

I Am Currently Seeing A Cpn, Who Tells Me To Think Positive, It Will Go Away. I Am Due To See A Pshy In July. I Seem To Be Getting Alot Worse And Just Dont Know What To Do To Make This Go Away. Thought Of Suicide A Few Times Now, But Could Not Do It Coz I Have A Partner, He Would Be Devasted.

Please Help Me

26-06-07, 11:28
Sounds like anxiety to me. How long have you felt this way? I can relate to all your symptoms as I am currently going through a bout of anxiety too. As everyone keeps telling me, it will pass, but it's hard to believe at times.


26-06-07, 15:05
Hi Sarah,

Those are definately all anxiety symptoms, and your cpn is right the only way to deal with all of them are to change your way of thinking :yesyes:

CBT really helped me to change my way of thinking and now I am able to put all the symptoms into perspective and not drive myself mad worrying.

Good luck with your appointment in July and let is know how it goes


Trac xx

27-06-07, 10:24
cbt has not helped me unfortunately. hoping the pshy will.

been on diff meds which havnt worked. feel very down at the moment, been crying for 2 hrs, cant seem to stop. i dont tell bf how i feel now as he sick of me going on. he doesnt understand. i just go on here now as only place i can go to. been at work since 9am not done a thing as i cant be bothered. but i have to come here for the money otherwise would loose home. somedays i could just drive and drive to get out of here. i hardly see friends or go out as it causes huge panic attacks. lost interest in sex as feel too scared to do it, but cant tell bf that as he will think i have lost plot. i am scared to do even small things such as wash, or do housework, and i am constantly worrying about everything. even things that dont matter. i have been told to think positive, but how can you when you feel so down and anxious. my periods have stopped now too. i have also been told that i might have mild darkoysis, my cervical smear has got to be repeated. i hardly eat or drink, and dont speak alot as i dont feel there is much point.

feel like i am a lost cause and this will never go away. sorry for going on had to get this off my chest

27-06-07, 16:23
cbt has not helped me unfortunately. hoping the pshy will.

been on diff meds which havnt worked. feel very down at the moment, been crying for 2 hrs, cant seem to stop. i dont tell bf how i feel now as he sick of me going on. he doesnt understand. i just go on here now as only place i can go to. been at work since 9am not done a thing as i cant be bothered. but i have to come here for the money otherwise would loose home. somedays i could just drive and drive to get out of here. i hardly see friends or go out as it causes huge panic attacks. lost interest in sex as feel too scared to do it, but cant tell bf that as he will think i have lost plot. i am scared to do even small things such as wash, or do housework, and i am constantly worrying about everything. even things that dont matter. i have been told to think positive, but how can you when you feel so down and anxious. my periods have stopped now too. i have also been told that i might have mild darkoysis, my cervical smear has got to be repeated. i hardly eat or drink, and dont speak alot as i dont feel there is much point.

feel like i am a lost cause and this will never go away. sorry for going on had to get this off my chest

Dear Fiend,

My heart goes out to you as I am just recovering from what you are explaining. I noticed you mentioned your cycles have stopped and you are having female problems. Has anyone tried to determine if your problems are hormonal at least in part? I recently had a baby and whew did that ever mess up my hormones and make me anxious and depressed.

I will tell you that I am felling 90% better after days and days of uncontrollable crying and irrational thinking.....even obsessing over health worries and such. I DO feel better. And so will you!

Please no more thinking about calling it quits! Say a prayer and relax your shoulders. Know that you are not alone. Your bf may not understand but there are many who do. WHo have been where you are and come through.