View Full Version : High anxiety/ thoughts

31-12-17, 13:26
I’m really struggling at the moment, have on prob since June on and off. Able to cope sometimes then others crying with it all.

I’m still on 150mg ven occasional diazepam on really bad days when I can’t do it alone(last 2 days)

My Gp asked last time about upping to 187.5mg, I can’t make the decision:ohmy::ohmy: one minute when I’m not good I think, ok I’ll try( but not without crapping myself and all the dread thoughts that build up in me. To on better days, no I’m ok
I can’t keep carrying on like this, up and down . My family or me don’t deserve it. Don’t know from one day to the next how I’ll be, absolutely hate morning at the moment, as straight away the chatter starts
Am I ok today
Oh still got chest pain
Can I manage to eat today, lost nearly stone in weight. I want to be wanting food and I’ve literally got no appetite or even want it. But I need it
Etc etc

Does anxiety cause these thoughts
Also Does ven actually stop these thoughts??? Because I’m not upping if they don’t


08-01-18, 15:18
I'm having the exact same problem, although I take desvenlefaxine (which is pristiq). I am so up and down. One day I think i'm cured, the next day i'm a total mess. when will this nightmare end.

I am think of trying Effexor again since it's supposed to be good for anxiety. I just don't know the right thing to do.

My family doesn't deserve this and neither do I! You don't deserve this either. Have you talked to your doctor to see what he or she says? I'm thinking of switching meds yet again, but i'm not sure how many choices I have left. I can't sleep at night from the pristiq. One day I can, the next day I can't. It's frustrating!:mad:

08-01-18, 15:30
Hi Clio, don't know if you can remember but I've been on 187.5mg of ven for a couple of years successfully until just recently when due to some life stresses my anxiety has reared its ugly head again, I've just been increased to 225mg 4 days ago and hoping that helps. I had all the classic anxiety and panic symptoms return like mind chatter, shakes, loss of appetite and that frightening anxiety. I didn't particularly want to increase but I felt I couldn't go on as I was ×××

08-01-18, 15:58

Thank you for your responses.

Being like this is so crap, up and down like a yo yo. I hate it. Only time I feel quite chilled is evenings.
I think I’m med phobic or just plain scared, the thought of upping or changing makes my anxiety worse! So you 2 are very brave ladies. My anxiety is up and down, not at the uncopeable stage, bit still in background. Appetite can come and go, chatter raises it head quite a few times a day(now I say STOP and keep saying it each time a negative thought arrives) it’s a start!! Wether it works time will tell.
Chest sensations are now a new symptom for me aghhhh

Yer Nicola course I remember you, hope the increase works for you. How’s it going?
I’ve been speaking to Pink recently on Pm.

08-01-18, 16:42
Clio I'm really med phobic, it scares the life out of me any change in my meds but I had to do something as the anxiety was taking over. I'm on day 4 and having a bit of increased anxiety but I was expecting it so I've been prepared and have my diazepam to help. ×××