View Full Version : foot pain

31-12-17, 14:49
I am getting pains in my bottom of my foot which comes and goes, I am scared this is bone cancer, it has not helped me wearing boots for the weather.

31-12-17, 14:52
it has not helped me wearing boots for the weather.

And there is the logical answer

31-12-17, 14:54
General rule of the thumb.

If it comes and goes, it ain't cancer comrade.

31-12-17, 17:07
If it is in the bottom of your foot, it is Much more likely to be plantar fascitis. I have gotten this twice in my life, and it is very painful but does come and go!!! The pain can last a long time, and it helps to do exercises.

You can get it checked by a doctor, and they can recommend the right therapy. G/L

31-12-17, 19:19
It really sounds like your footwear has given you a bit of pain. Someone posted something similar during the Summer and turned out that they'd been wearing flip-flops a lot and that had caused discomfort/pain.

01-01-18, 17:31
Its the bottom of my leg where I am getting the pain. I am still scared it is bad, and serious. as well as I am now worried about my poop colour. I did not get pains during the night.

I think I am going to changed my foot wear and if it no better see the GP.

01-01-18, 19:53
If it is in the bottom of your foot, it is Much more likely to be plantar fascitis. I have gotten this twice in my life, and it is very painful but does come and go!!! The pain can last a long time, and it helps to do exercises.

You can get it checked by a doctor, and they can recommend the right therapy. G/L

Yep, I had/Have planter fasciitis ... it’s painful and annoying. It comes and goes, but my most recent flair up was like 3 months long.