View Full Version : What will 2018 bring

31-12-17, 17:39
I have been think in a lot the last few days about my life(new year thing) it’s not been the best of years this year. I have a bad back sinc I fell over in September and I never thought I would be still limping and in pain three months later. This has put a huge damper on The New Year, I don’t see me getting better without having surgery, I am still waiting for an mri on it. I still don’t have any clue as to what is happening. I want to try and do so much next year but I feel so low and I shouldn’t, tomorrow will be like every other night, Day. Pain and struggle. Are there any of you been in the same situation and got better without surgery. Please any hope would make me feel a little better. I really hope that the New Year all brings you much rest from HA and you all have wonderful peaceful lives :hugs:

31-12-17, 19:06
I hope 2018 will be good for you too

em xx

31-12-17, 19:28
Sounds like sciatica. I had a pinched nerve in my back and it had my back butt and leg terribly sore. I dealt with it for 6 months. I was going to a chiropractor he would rub on the area and I would do different stretches. It was getting a little better or I was just getting use to the pain, and finally I broke down and seen a surgeon. I had a micro dissectomy. Took about an hour and I was able to tell a difference immediately. I had a one inch incision on my lower back. Best decision I ever made because nerve pain in horrible. Remember every day we wake up is a blessing. 2018 is going to be great guys!

01-01-18, 01:14
I’ve been like it for three months. I’m so frightened of having surgery. The last surgery I had was pinning my leg back together and I was in so much pain after and I’m no wimp when it comes to pain. Thank you for your kind replies, I feel like I’m quite alone with this at the moment. Happy New Year