View Full Version : Scared I have a brain tumour

31-12-17, 20:32
Hi everyone. I was hoping someone could provide some advice as I’m at my whit’s end with worry.

2 weeks ago I suddenly began to feel lightheaded and ‘spaced out’. At first I put it down to just being tired or dehydrated, but I’ve had it constantly since.

It varies in severity, from being quite extreme and making me feel really rather out of it, to quite mild and me barely noticing it – but it’s always present. It’s usually across the forehead and behind the eyes, but has also been across the back of the head too. I've found that when it's less severe it's usually at night.

I’ve also had pressure on the right side of head, mainly in the same place (across the top of the head to the right) that has been present every couple of days. On a scale of 1-10 in terms of pressure, it feels more like a 4/5 than extreme pain, but it’s always around the same place when it arrives (most of this afternoon infact).

Like quite a few people here I suffer with anxiety, so I’m obviously thinking the worst (brain tumour) and trying to stay calm and not search online. But what’s made me worry more this time is that I’m not getting my usual symptoms that come with my anxiety of aching limbs, tired etc. making me think it must be something serious.

My partner thinks it might have something to do with me having my ears cleared a few days prior to me starting to feel lightheaded, but I’ve not had a fever to suggest an infection.

Does this sound like something serious, or more like my anxiety making me feel like this?

Please help.

03-01-18, 02:46
This doesn't sound serious. Anxiety can give different symptoms based on what your focusing on. Unfortunately, I have known a few people to have brain cancer. None of the symptoms you described our what they suffered. It is your anxiety.