View Full Version : Help please, UTI?

31-12-17, 21:22
Hey guys, havent posted in awhile now since ive been doing fairly well.
The thing is about four days Ago i started feeling a really intense pain on my lower right abdomen and back and groin radiating to the thigh. Went to the er and was diagnosed with an uti...did an antibiotic but no relieve and the pain was still excruating, i was screaming in pAin, yesterday went to the er again, They did some bloodwork, urine samples no uti anymore, but still in alot of pain, doctors did an ultrasound of the uterus, nothing, they then decided to run a CT scan with dye of my pelvic area, all normal, but the pain is Just too intense, Its Just too hard to believe they found nothing, im currently two months postpartum aswell.
Guys im Just way too scared, help me, my biggest fear was a pelvic dvt or kidney infeccion, help please im terrified and cant believe nothing major is happening with me and my health

01-01-18, 07:58
Did they check for kidney stones? Gallbladder? Appendix?

01-01-18, 13:24
Yes the Ct scan would pick it up i guess?

01-01-18, 19:21
This was the case for me also; UTI cleared but still experiencing pain. I inquired to my doctor as to why this would be the case and he explained that although there were no remnants of infection, the irritation caused by the bacteria still remained. Just give yourself time to heal.

01-01-18, 21:18
That makes me feel much better, how long did it take for your symptoms to go away? Im in alot of pain right now and scared the urine samples didnt show the infection properly....im really scared of kidney infection

02-01-18, 00:35
Ah, I'm glad. :) It took me a week after the infection cleared before the pain started to dissipate but I wasn't completely pain-free until a month later. (Most likely because I was being hyper vigilant!)

If you still had an infection, you would be experiencing other symptoms such as fever, chills, foul-smelling urine, etc. However, seeing as both urine and bloods were taken, I would be very confident that you do not have an infection.

I know myself that UTI's really take the good out of you and its just going to take a little time to completely recuperate.

I hope you start to feel better soon.